Volume 3 Chapter 1 - This Is All Your Fault...

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A/N: I don't have anything to say but I'm going to edit the previous chapters. Maybe we'll see Root again or maybe not but I think I won't implement *>put SFX effects here<* anymore. Well, I'm going out for today so let's just hope luck will grant me event scenes even if all I am going to do is simply accompanying my sister.

-Fei's POV-

What the hell......?

That was the only thought I have at the moment. For the impossible have actually happened. The worse possibility that I thought to not let it happens happened. And it's right in front of me. The cruel truth shook me back and forth. My mind could not endure the disappointment and rages over my current self which allowed this to happen.

Even without words, I knew her.

Even without pondering, I recognized her.

Even if the world died and reborn along with her, I could still believe it was her.

I could tell from her appearance. I could tell from the vivid, seemingly glowing golden hair which was parallel to the dawn's majestic light. I could tell from the clear, brilliant eyes with the color of the purest emerald I have ever seen. I could tell because she possessed the uniqueness only her could have in this entire continent.

Memories I shared with her were recalled back. The moments I spent with her in the past all caught me off guard and took a hold of my body. Including the burst of emotions I have at her...... everything was liberated to the point where it hurts.

She is here. And she is real. The person who is in front of me, is undoubtedly-


My voice wavered in the air. Once the word reached her ears, the girl in front of me trembled. She hid her expressions. Still, I could see her hands gripping the sword strongly. Tighter than before I blinked to ascertain the truth in front of me.

I wanted to raise a hand and approach her but-the girl vanished from the spot! My pupils widened in an instance. With specks of dust left behind, the girl vanished from the spot. And then I noticed a shadow appearing at the corner of my eyes.


Grey and green gazed at each other. My view was filled with the face of the person I devoted to protect for eternity. She was right in front of me. Soundlessly, silently, and suddenly.

The girl quickly pivoted her heels, taking a firm stand on the grounds. She stretched her legs, then pulling her arms which were holding the sword to the back as if drawing a bow's arrow to the limits. All in a mere moment. All in a mere second. Every gesture and stance she set up was so perfect and contrasting with her frail beauty. Very powerful and probably very dangerous to receive without protection measures.

"Wait-!!" my voice hollered a few moments later than it should have. The chills of Death enraptured me and I could foresee my demise as the girl uttered a phrase as if chanting.


The sword shone. I doubted if it truly shone as wood and metal were not materials which worked well when infused with magic. Though there existed special means and exclusion to my belief, I certainly caught the wooden sword's blade unleashing brilliant light. Then-


Suddenly, my sense of balance disappeared. My vision darkened for an instant as I saw the blue of... the sky......? Then my body struck something hard which were actually, the palace's walls. The walls were supposed to be as hard as adamantium ore...

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