Volume Two Chapter 5 - Rondo

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There was no signal.

We moved forward. I drew two Obsidian Swords besides me and sped up like a bullet. I didn't even hesitate to cast Reinforce for the second time and now, brimming with power, I lashed out a wide slash from the right at Bavzgaim.

There was a collision of metal. To be more precise, the enemy's claws were sharper than razor and glistening with pale black color the moment my sword met them head-on. As if the monster possessed swords as extensions of his limbs.

The other sword was swung. Aiming at the right side and it was deflected with his right arm. He aimed it to stab at me, his claws straightened like a massive bastard sword. Causing me to quickly side-stepped and let the claws dug into the ground.

A still smile was permeating on my face while I hopped on the extended arm and ran straight to Bravzgaim's shoulder. The monster obviously noticed my aim. His left claws were ready to slap me off his body but-

"Too slow!"

I leaped from the arm, avoiding the claws but as I was floating in midair, I was also spinning to the right side. In front of Bravzgaim whose arms were already occupied with his last commands, I immediately launched an attack.

"Rapid Claws!!"

As if the blades of winds taken shapes, flashes of black tore the air and struck the monster squarely. At the head.At the shoulders. At the arm he used to defend his face. And then at his bulky body.

Blood sprayed. The silvery-black furs were tainted with red. The air instantly turned cold as ice as maddening killing intention accompanied with angry howl surfaced.

The damages I've done were ranging. I have delivered twenty-four deep stabs within several moments and yet the signs of my enemy weakening could not appear. Not to mention I failed to hit a critical hit despite my sure-kill aim.

Landing on the ground, I swiftly retreated before a furious set of claws pierced the grounds. And-a sudden uppercut blew through the dust, striking me.


I was flung away. The impact alone was absorbed by the swords which were readied in the nick of time but the aftershock including the impact was enough to destroy them and blasted my body like a ball. I landed on the ground and rolled before recovering while picking out a Long Sword and a Short-Sword.

"Nn...not... yet!! I'm not done yet!!"

I dashed forward. The King of the Mountain roared, towering as a menace with his claws fully prepared to intercept my movements. Also to finish me off but the moment he swung down his right arm-I took a huge leap by exploding a large amount of mana under my feet.

Just like how jet fighters received sudden acceleration due to the thrusters, I suddenly arrived in front of the seven meters tall monster and instantly slashed at him.

Sixth Step-Dragon Bite.

A double cross slash carved straight at the torso. I sensed the flesh being sliced but I knew all too well that it was shallow enough to allow me to expect it beforehand. Therefore, once the skill ended, I pivoted in place and sent out another technique.

First Step-Tail Smash.

With a wide swing of swords, combined with my current speed and the boost of inertia acquired,both the Long Sword and the Short-Sword embedded inBravzgaim's side. I let them go and retrieved a sword nearby as quickly as possible to deliver additional damage.

Third Step-Soaring Fang.

Propelling myself upward, a gash of wound was given to the monster. In tremendous pains and anger he howled, with blood profusely splashing but he was distracted. The moment I was in the air, climbing his burly body with ease......

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