Side Story 2 - Here Comes A Big One!

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Hm... did I overthink it or has my 'Onii-chan sense' tingled?

Every time he committed something irresponsible, this sense allowed me to detect it and figure out what was to blame for. After all, Onii-chan had been a stupid, the most idiotic Onii-chan in the world. He always made girls fell in love unknowingly and he always wound up being a battered hero who saved the day. Well, the last time he did that he went out with a bang so I really wanted to cry in depression.

Because-Onii-chan hasn't actually died!

Well, he did died. The Onii-chan in this world did but not in that world. The fact that afterlife and other worlds truly existed really gave me a peace of mind. So I was not too scared of disappearing with my memories even if I died. However, dying wasn't a way out. Death was an end to be feared by a living being. And obviously, I would not permit myself to die until I achieved many things including saving the world from perverts with troublemaking powers.

......perverts... Ugh. I was reminded of so many unpleasant things in our perilous journey. But most order has been returned in Japan, and I could live without being worried of window breaking criminals entering my house. Although true peace was still far away from the reaches but at least it was progressing. Also spreading.

"Hm...... This is bad." -suddenly I heard a male's voice coming from the living room.

While I was laying breakfast onto the dining table, I just so happened to find a young man with glasses and attractive yet baggy eyes giving out a sigh. Haru Ichinose was sitting on the sofa at the living room. He seemed to gaze down on many documents scattered all over the table in front of him. Unlike the usual Haru-san who wore black cloak with amazingly complex embroidery and accessories, he was wearing white shirts draped over his skinny body and baggy pants. Such casualty in someone else's house but my home had been chosen as the headquarter (base) for the Champions in our town.

What about the others? Tracing my gaze over the clock on the wall and then to the staircase where no one was coming from, I realized that Akashi-san and Fukaki-san were still fast asleep. Geez, even though today is holiday doesn't mean you can slack off you know...?

Exhaling in a slightly pensive mood, I took off my apron. I was done cooking breakfast as I always woke up early. No one in my family is an early bird so it became my duty to wake up everyone, including Onii-chan. But as my parents were busy with works (yes, they still worked like normal despite the catastrophic event which changed the world) my duty... unfortunately remained unchanged. Because Onii-chan's friends chose to stay here out of common interest.

Now what did they believe as common interest? Well, they seemed to believe grouping up was better to enhance the security and defensive measures. It also helped to communicate with each other and discussing things without getting too exposed to outside threats. While the logic was correct but I did not think that freeloading was okay without my parents' permission...... They became hard to contact once this Ragnarok started.

In any case, Haru-san seemed troubled. I better drag him away from those work-related documents before he forgot eating breakfast.

"Haru-san! Breakfast is ready, you know?" -I yelled from behind the person who was already 21 years old yet did not even do anything except becoming a Home Security Guard.

However, my voice did not reach him! How could he ignore me, the landlord (temporary)!! Muuu, now I'm mad!!



"HARU-SAN! Hey! Are you listening to me!? Haru-san...!! Breakfast is ready!"


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