Volume 3 Chapter 2 - Ill Omen?

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The next morning, as we have gotten ourselves letter of recommendations, we were allowed to enroll in Leimburg Academy. Even the arrogant guards had no choice but to let us pass and while on our way to the Academy...

"So... who's the guy from yesterday, Charl?" -Anise questioned me for the nth time.

"Ugh! Th-that again...!?"

"To be frank, I have never seen Charlotte reacting impulsive like that. Yes, I would like to know more."

"Even Alia too!? Just why are you two asking anyway!?"

" "Because we're curious obviously." "

Nyaaaaaargh!! Why are you two so in sync at this kind of timing?! Leon, help!!

"No way. I've no reason to help."

Eh!? Why do you look so discontent like that!? Are you angry? Are you mad because I left you in the dust yesterday...? Or could it be... Hn? Why is Lily hiding behind me...?

"Are you okay, Lily?" -I asked to distract everyone's attention from me.

"...um... uh... that..." -the girl with silver hair and ruby red eyes looked away. She was frowning... or rather, disturbed.

Why? When I knelt down listening to her, this kind of question came up.

"Wh-why is everyone... staring at us...?"

"Well, about that..."

I dryly smiled because most people on the street were staring at us from afar. Due to us in the Intermediate Layer where only nobles and knights are allowed to live in, a bunch of commoners must be a rare sight if not displeasing sight.

In fact, us who passed the Entrance Exam with flying colors were probably seen as nuisance to the nobles. Take Anise for example. She's an Adventurer, and she's a girl no less than 13 years old. She defeated her Examiner in Knight Course test by using her fists and kicks. This caused her to receive good remarks by martial artists yet despised by noble ladies. Mainly because she as a female ought to have the graceful gait at the eyes of nobility.

Meanwhile, Alia was a commoner yet she was also a Mage approved by magic guild. That was shocking news. After all, those who are regarded as nobles are people with fame and gifted lineage which always gave birth to powerful mages. Even more, Alia was capable of unleashing rainstorm which, according to her, is a very advanced spell.

Therefore, most examiners who were typical nobles seemed to look down on her because of their extremely high pride and superiority complex.

Then--there's this little girl who looked no different than a 5 years old kid when she's already 8 years old. Lily chose General Study Course which aimed for general education, trades, political discussions and historical facts of Magnis. The General Study seemed to focus on society learning and literature. A new course which was practically open only for a year.

And Lily aced it by defeating her Examiner in a game of words chain. I was saddened by my idiocy for not taking that course but oh well. It's highly possible Lily was taught by Franz when it came to literature and wisdom.

The second last would be Leon. He practically blew the Examiner the same way as I did but he simply used a flick! Dekopin rocket!! No one even dared to voice suspicion of him cheating when he sent them away in the same manner.

Lastly, me. I caused chaos because I knocked Fei away. The Hero Raumia prided over... was blown away by a girl younger than him. Is there anything more unreasonable than this? More like, the how and why could he fly like that is also a mystery to me.

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