Volume Two Chapter 11 - Arriving!!

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So... let me get this straight. It's true that I sinned myself by pulling the trigger of war. In fact, I stole lives so that I could survive and I didn't regret my decision. Takeru often told me to change that mindset but I refused him flatly. I just didn't have enough reasons to change and it's too bothersome to find a new reason. So I chose to live till my current resolve waned, then I will think of it later when the time comes.

However... did I even do something to earn myself a bounty for bandits to hunt?

"Oh? So there is one here! What a damn good haul!!"

Said the leader with bandana who blocked the path with his extremely large and ogre-like muscles. His skin was tanned and he had a broadsword hanging at his back. I was already standing in the middle between the Bandit leader and the carriage by the way.

Haiz...... I really wished to think there was some mistakes. However, I might as well be the biggest criminal to ever start the war between countries. More like, between races as demons as a whole supported the idea to crush races other than their own. I also heard that Daemonia enslaved the defeated races and turn them into meatshields etc.

Hm. Come to think of it, Lily was nearly captured by slaver. So that meant... slavery existed in this world. How ironic that I am also a Servant chasing after my Master. I won't call Fei that and it's not like I'm an actual Servant anyway but still......

"Gee, these bandits are no different. So disgusting." -I blurted out as I shook my head in resignation.

"Aah!? What the hell did you just say, you little whore?!"

Ara, my voice seemed to be heard by a deaf ear. I was amazed at the sight of an angry third-rate mob character however I could never be bothered by him. In fact, I was like a lone wolf surrounded by a herd of sheep without the shepherd. Or was it the other way around? Hm... let's first ask this Boss.

"Excuse me but you are interrupting our travel. Would you mind letting us go?"

"Kha! As if we cared about your damn travel! Throw that sword away and come with us!!"

"Hm... If I said no. What will you do?"

At once, the Boss' facial expression turned grotesque. Well, grotesque might be too much but just imagine a psychopath's twisted smile. Yeah... not from some cool badass characters but some kind of villains with old ages or obese figure or whatever that fit the description of 'nasty' in your context. Then the grotes-Boss answered as if shouting.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a bitch who is ready to spread her legs, boys!!"

Wahoo! The minions all laughed with cheers and with the same nasty expressions. Aaagh, this was the limit. I really wanted to return and resume my sleep! I glanced behind me and there they were...

"...who wants to bet how fast Missy can defeat these idiots?"

"One minute for ten silver coins." --A half-demon tossed coins to the dealer.

"Thirty seconds for seventy silver coins." --A martial artist pushed a pouch which made precious sounds.

"Instant win. 150 silver coins." --And an Aqua Mage threw a small chest which struck the dealer wonderfully. Followed with a shriek of a small animal next to him.

"...y-you guy are really taking it easily...... Now I really, REALLY want to punch you all!!"

Quivering with hands clenched together at the sight, I shouted at my Party which basically stacking bets in a gamble! Hey! Most of you all are under aged you know?! Give me some worries at the very least!! And they're not listening!!

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