Volume 3 Prologue - Reunion...!

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Arc 2
~Leimburg Academy and School Life~

"Hm... now that I think about it, how are we supposed to enter the school?"

"Ehh...? Well-I guess. It's that right? Entrance exam or something?"

"We don't have many information. And a test looks bothersome"

".........You girls are really useless despite being older."


The three of us shouted angrily at Leon! However, the half-demon simply looked away uncaringly with arms crossed behind his head which was covered by a hood. Franz too smiled bitterly as Lily tottered beside him for being inside the crowds in the square.

Hello there. My name is Charlotte Augmund, the leader (tentatively) of this troupe filled with miscellaneous bunch. Long story short, I am a reincarnated person and have been living as a male until I became what I am currently.

Upon this year, I have reached the 12th years of my second life and my mental maturity is at 29. Some said that the mind will harden and make us more like an adult but as you can see, I am still me. It's because I rarely talk to other people who are beyond me and that I always acted as an older sibling to Leon, my new family unrelated by blood. And some people just have similar personality that I always reverted to being 'Toribe'... Though saying that, I could consider what was best for me and what was impossible to do with this body.

I've always trained under a Hermit known with his atrocious deeds after all.

Now, we are in Raumia. The Holy Kingdom possessing an excellent Academy and yet we were in trouble. Me, Leon, Anise and Alia are those who wanted to enroll as students. Though I'm a noble but I came from a family whose rank is the lowest in the hierarchy. Of course, I believe that I should have at least the privilege to study at school but what about my friends?

This is why we are thinking up a plan. A strategy perhaps as I might call it. The Academy was located at the Intermediate Layer of the kingdom. We're in Public Layer which was the lowest after we entered the gates and basically a land for all the commoners to live in.

No fancy facilities. No immense library. No decent forgery or tailoring industries present.

Raumia was separated into three layers. One for commoners and peasants to live in, another layer for landless nobles to inhabit with heightened quality of necessities, and the palace which housed the entire Royal Family. The so-called rulers are staying at the top of the hill.

The whole kingdom's societal and political structures must have not been reformed and surely nobles were against lawful causes which might increase the commoners' standing.

"At any rate, we need more information. I don't have any passes that can bring us to the Intermediate Layer and we can't just waltz in to a nobles-occupied area all by ourselves."

"Hm... can't you just talk with the guards about the matter? Charl is a noble right~?"

"If I could then I wouldn't be driven off from the gate right?"

I retorted at Anise's question angrily. Those people claimed that I was just a commoner kid and shooed me away as if I was a small animal. I really hated them as they held condescending gazes latched on commoners! Not only that, they had lustful intents in their eyes which caused goosebumps to crawl on my back!!

Also, the reason why I have no passes was because my family did not situate under Raumia's region but instead, Aeinsland's. The Warrior King had no interests in sending people to Raumia as he loathed this place out of the Rebellion which happened several years ago. And other stuff.

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