Volume 4 Chapter 1 - I'm Going To Be Expelled?

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"Hm... Why did you knock her out? Are you a fool?"

"Shut up! It's all that damn bastard's fault!!"

"Ha ha haa...! Well now! It's embarrassing to know my order being interpreted like this!!"

...ugh... what...? So... so noisy... and this is uncomfortable... Why? What happened? Where am... I....? I slowly opened my eyes and...

"Hm? She woke up."

...a gorilla's face was right in front of me. It's black and sleek, full of vigor but also disgusting (since it's a gorilla.) If there's more word to describe it-

*POW!* The gorilla flew when I sent out an uppercut.


*SMASH!!* And with a slight jump, I spun in midair and unleashed a flying kick right at the gorilla's solar plexus!!


*CRASH!!* The gorilla crashed into bookshelves, sending out smokes and wood dust. I landed softly while exasperating. Once I calmed down...

...is it dead? Is it dead...?

"Nope, he's not. But that was very well done, young maiden." A voice came from behind.

"Eh...? Huh...? Inferno...?" I looked at the familiar who's at the corner of the room.

There's a gargoyle with the appearance of a dragon I know well. His eyes shone with dull ruby color and his tail swayed like his wings.

"Young maiden, you have a bright future to harm that fickle wizard so easily."

"True enough, but please mind your attire for a moment before hitting the Master, child..."

Hm...? Ah, there's the phoenix familiar too. Uhm... I think her name's Shelka-san. She often acted as a messenger between the principal and the teachers. Well, though I met her occasionally, I haven't seen her ever since I woke up after the Spring Incident. Also, why would the two gatekeepers be here...?

I didn't remember anything before I blacked out, but now I was in some sort of office. It was full of luxurious furniture and fluffy dark red carpet was right below my feet. The moonlight streamed down from the windows and several mystic embers were floating to illuminate the office enough for one to read books.

But when I looked at myself, I was horrified. Hey, I'm still in my shirts!! Isn't this embarrassing!!?

"More like, did you say Master...?" I turned my head to the clouds of dust.

"Fuuh...! That was an exquisite unarmed combat skill! As expected of Agatha's daughter!!" A man with bloody face came out with a refreshing smile!!

Hii! The gorilla is still alive... No, wait! That's the principal! It's the damn principal I've just kicked!!?

"No worries, my student! I have summoned you into my office for I have something to tell you!!"

Geh. He didn't have to change his pose like that... the weird man with tight fitting robe had his muscles rippling as he struck a pose with a small light show made by floating mystic embers. To be honest, I wanted to punch him but I didn't want to invite more troubles.

"It will be a long explanation so you can sit down, child." Shelka-san suggested.

"Eh? U..un.. alright. So... why am I here?" I nodded and sat on a sofa.

Uwah, I'm sinking...! The inside must be made from high-grade swan's feathers!!

"Well, that could be said as Master's quirk. He often summoned people to his office in an unexpected way."

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