Hayes imagine

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This imagine is dedicated to @ohey_its_emily Also make sure you follow me on all my social media's IG,Twitter, and SC cassiewidmaier


Your P.O.V

I was laying on the couch with my best friend Hayes when suddenly he sprung up, " Let's go to the beach!" he said. 20 minutes later we were unpacking our things for the beach when Hayes picked me up and started running. "You better put me down Grier!" "No thanks I'm good y/l/n" "Benjamin Hayes Gr-" Splash!

After we splashed around for a little we decided to go to the boardwalk. We played many games when I started to get hungry. "Wanna grab some food?" I suggested and Hayes agreed so we made our way to In-N-Out. However before we could even finish out food Hayes started to throw fries at me. So naturally I threw some back and next thing I know there is a full on food war. I was hiding under the table when I saw a pair of feet in front of me.. the manager. We were in big trouble.. after all the lectures the manager kicked us out and long story short we can't go to that In-N-Out anymore.

It was dark when we left In-N-Out so we decided to go back to the beach for night swimming. Hayes and I were playing football on the sand when out of no where he tackles me to the ground! I look up to Hayes smirking at me from above. Suddenly I got lost in his eyes, we were looking into each others eyes for what felt like forever when he started to lean down. His lips brushed against mine sending tingles through my body. When he finally kissed me I just couldn't get enough. I don't know what these feelings for my best friend are but whatever it was I didn't want it to stop.

After our make-out session we got up and he grabbed my hands. "Y/N I don't know what came over me to do that but it felt right. I wanna be able to kiss you whenever I want. Will you be my girlfriend?" "Of course Hayes, I'd love to!"


I hope you enjoyed my imagine. Make sure you guys request imagines by messaging me. I am also making imagines for other boys famous or not in my other book so make sure you go add that book and request some imagine!

Also follow my social media's IG,Twitter, and SC @/cassiewidmaier and hit me up so I can chat with you all!

I Love You Guys, Peace, and Stay Gucci

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