Taylor Imagine

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Today was the day! You were finally going to MAGCON!

You were getting ready because you had to leave in 2hours.

You hear a knock on your door and see your Bestfriend y/f/n


"Yeah let's go!"

*Skip car ride*

This is it. It's finally happening! Your gunna meet your idols.

One by one they all came out. As they walked by you got a picture with Hayes, Carter, and Taylor. Taylor was your favourite.

When they finished their hilarious acts you and y/f/n got into line to meet Nash and Cameron because they are her favourites.

After you met them y/f/n was practically crying and it wasn't even half way over!

You then got in line to meet Matt and Taylor, so you would have a chance to meet him.

You saw Matt first and got a bunch of pictures with him. One of him holding you bridal style, one of you kissing his cheek and then him kissing yours, and finally a silly picture where you are on his back making a silly face.

You then saw Taylor. You felt like you were gunna pass out, but luckily you calmed yourself.

When you met Taylor you guys took a lot of pictures!!! Te same ones you took with Matt plus a bunch of silly selfies on your and his phone.

But then security came in and said you had to leave and move on.

"Wait! Before you go. Will you take one last picture with me?"

"Of course!"

You then took one last picture with Taylor. It was of him and you hugging. But it was one of those hugs were you could feel the butterflies in your stomach going crazy!

It was amazing! You then felt him slip something into your back pocket.

"Don't look at it until later okay babe?"


"Okay... Bye!! Oh and thank you for everything!"


Later after MAGCON you went to your hotel when you remember the paper Taylor have you.

You were sitting on your coach watching Friday Night Smack Down,

When you took out the paper.

"What is that y/n?"

"I don't know. Taylor have it to me."

You looked at the paper it looked like a phone number and a hotel room?

"Why would he give me this?"

"OMG y/n!!! He totally likes you! We are going to his room right now! Come on!"

"What if he's not in this hotel?"

"Then we knock on some random guys door duh."

So you guys went to his room and

y/f/n knocked on the door.

A second later Taylor opened the door.

"I didn't think you would come.."

"Whelp here I am." You say and giggle

"Do you wanna go to the pool and hangout alone for awhile."

"I would love to but I didn't bring a bathing suit and I can't leave y/f/n"

"Ohhh don't worry y/n I brought you a bathing suit and I will be fine alone in the hotel room!" Your friend says.

"Yeah or she can hangout with the rest of the boys. They are all in Nash and Cameron's room. Here I'll take you there."

You guys then go in Nash's room and meet all the boys.

"So this is the girl you won't shut up about! Well it's nice to meet you y/n Taylor hasn't shut up about you all night." Matt says.

"What if she doesn't come? What if she thinks I'm a creep. Gosh she's just soooo pretty. I wish she was mine. Maw mwa mwa ooo Lala" Cameron says.

"Okay we're leaving now! Bye!"

Taylor then rushed out of there with you.

"I'm soo sorry about them."

"Noo it's fine I thought it was kinda sweet and funny."

You guys then swim around and have a lot of fun. You don't want it to end but it's 1am and you both need to go to bed.

"Y/n I had an amazing time tonight."

"Me to Taylor!"

"Do you maybe wanna hangout again tomorrow?"

"I would love too."

You then walk back to Nash's room and find y/f/n so you can leave.

"I'll walk you out." Taylor says.

"See you tomorrow Taylor." You say as you kiss his cheek.

Your both blushing like crazy..

"Bye y/n!"

That was the beginning to a great relation ship with your amazing new boyfriend Taylor Caniff.

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