Hayes Imagine

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This imagine is dedicated to @MaKenzie_Mendes thanks for requesting!

If you wanna check out my social media's, I'd greatly appreciate it! IG,Twitter,& SC: cassiewidmaier

Also make sure you check out my new book Imagines 2.0 and request any boy you want. Make sure you vote for it if you enjoyed it!


It was currently 10AM on a Saturday morning and I was rushing out the door. I had a basketball game in an hour and I couldn't find my shoes! "Mom! Where are my basketball shoes?" "I'm not sure honey did you check downstairs?" "Of course I did! I've looked all over the house!" "I'll go check again."

I went into the kitchen to get a power snack and fill up my bottle when "Here you go y/n they were behind the couch." Of course she found them, moms find everything.. I shoved on my shoes, grabbed my bag, and bolted out the door, wish me luck.

Luckily I got to the game right on time. I put on my shoes and started my stretches when the most beautiful boy walked in. He had gorgeous brown hair and the most incredible blue eyes, I couldn't look away. Who was he? I finally snapped out of my daze to find him staring back at me. We just stood there staring into each others eyes until.. "Y/L/N let's go!"

All throughout the game I couldn't stop looking at him. He made me so nervous I didn't know if I was going to be able to finish this game.

The game was back and fourth the whole time. It was the beginning of the 2nd quarter and I running up court with the ball when this girl came up behind me and slammed me to the ground. "Hey watch it" I said furiously. "Get out of my way loser." "I wasn't in your way! You came up behind me!" "Your no competition.Get off the court loser." I couldn't stand her any longer, I lunged forward tackling her to the ground. I threw a few punched before she hit me square in the stomach..oof! Our little brawl only lasted a minute before the ref noticed and benched us for the rest of the quarter. I looked over at him and he was shaking his head laughing. That made me feel better.

It was the end of the fourth quarter with 10 seconds to spare and the score was tied. All I had to do was sink this foul shot and that was it, we would be in the championships! I looked over at the cute boy and he gave me a thumbs up, suddenly that made me more nervous. As I took a deep breathe i closed my eyes and took my stance. I opened my eyes and released the ball...swoosh.

I DID IT! I can't believe were going to playoffs! My team came running on the court cheering Y/N Y/N! As they lifted me in the air I looked for the boy I couldn't keep my eyes off. I found him standing by the door smiling so I made my team put me down and I rushed over to him.

"Hi" "Hey" "I'm y/n" "Hayes. You had a great game out there. Your one fierce girl." "Thanks." I couldn't stop blushing, he was so adorable! "Can I buy you a milkshake to celebrate your win?" "I'd like that."


Hope you guys liked this imagine and keep requesting! I Love You Guys, Peace, and Stay Gucci

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