Jack G imagine for Lizzy

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Today I am volunteering at the California Dog Shelter. I have been here for about 2 hours. 3 more to go! We have given a new home to approximately 10 dogs. I love dogs, and to be working with them and giving them loving homes is absolutely amazing!

I was walking around feeding the dogs in Section C when I saw the CUTEST puppy ever. He was a little Pomeranian Husky with big brown eyes and he was only 7months old . I had to have him! The problem was he was $200 and I only brought $150 with me.. 

I was thinking of how I could get the pup when the most obvious idea came in my head. Why dont I just call my boyfriend and ask to borrow $50 until I get home. Sometimes I can be such a blonde haha!

                             ( Convo with Jack )

J: Hey princess! Hows it going?

L: Great actually! we gave 10 puppy's a new home already!

J: That's amazing Liz. 

L: Thanks! Hey Jack how fast could you get down here.

J: Like 5min.. why is something wrong?

L: No everything is fine its just there is this REALLY adorable Pomeranian Husky for $200 but i only brought $150 with me so would you mind coming down here and spotting me $50 until i get home? 

J: I should have guessed! Of course babe, I will be there in 5.

L: Thank you so much Jackyyy! I love youuu kisses*

J: Haha I love you too Liz. Byee


Im so sorry I havent had time to write this summer but im back now so keep requesting! also make sure you follow me on all my social media

Twitter: cassiewidmaier

Instagram: cassiewidmaier

Instagram: Faryoungfamily


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