Nash Imagine for Savannah

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You were on your way to your bestfriend Nash's house to record a new video for your channel, when you met Cam on the way their

Hey Sav where ya going?
○I'm actually on my way to Nash's, what about you?
•Oh you know just walking around... so actually change of plans your coming with me and we are going to meet Nash at the park.

• Great! Let's go!

You and Cam made it to the park to see a trail of flowers leading to a bridge.

• Follow the flowers to the bridge, once you cross the bridge Matt will be waiting for you.

You follow the trail of flowers completely confused as to what is going on.

Once you reach the bridge you see it is decorated beautifully with white lights.

Then you make it across the bridge to be greeted by Matt in a tux.

• Good evening Savannah.
Hey Matt. ~ You say laughing a bit

You and Matt continue talking as he leads you to the opening of the woods where he leaves you with out saying anything.

Suddenly Hayes jumps out of the woods scaring you a bit and takes you through the path in the woods.

You ready?
○ I guess. I'm so confused, what's going on Hayes?
You'll see. He says with a big grin on his face.

At the end of the path you see a huge and beautiful tree house!

Climb the tree house. Your surprise is right inside.

You climb the tree house and go in to see it decorated with flowers, white lights, your favorite candy, and hundreds of pictures of you and Nash.

Then Nash appears at the door with a bouquet of about 50 red roses and a envelope. He hands you the flowers and envelope without saying anything. You just take it smiling. The envelope reads:

       Dear Savannah,
You look beautiful. I don't even have to see you to know you look stunning.  I wanted to write you this letter to ask you something very important, but to also tell you how much you mean to me. You have been there for me no matter what. I know I can trust you with anything. We have been bestfriends for 15 years and I have loved every second we spent together. Your my bestfriend. Nobody can ever compare to you and I wouldn't want to spend the most important night of my high school year with anyone else. Would you do me the honors of going to Prom with me?

You finish the letter with tears streaming down your face.

YES! A million times YES! You say hugging Nash as tight as you can.

You then hear cheers from below the tree house and look out to see all the vine boys and your friends and family cheering.

Your going to Prom with your best friend and you couldn't be happier.

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