Aaron Carpenter Imagine

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You were at a teen club called Triple B with your bestfriend Aaron.

You went to get a drink when this guy came up to you.

"Hey baby I'm Derek. wanna dance?"

You didn't have a good feeling about him.

"Uh no thanks."

"Oh come on babe why not."

"Please leave me alone."

"Not until you dance with me."

He then grabbed you by the arm and began to drag you to the dance floor.

"Let go of me!!"

"Shut up!"

"Hey! Let her go!"

You turned around and saw the one and only Aaron Carpenter.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"This" Aaron then punched Derek in the face.

The two of them got into a huge fight and you didn't know what to do.

You then stepped in only to be hit in the face by Derek.

Aaron the hit Derek in lung. He instantly fell to the ground.

"Omg y/n are you okay?"

"I'm fine Thankyou sooo much Aaron." You wrap him in a huge hug and feel him flinch.

" oh my Aaron I'm so sorry are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He says but you know he's lying because a black eye was starting to form and his lip was bleeding really badly.

"Here. Lets go back to my house and get you fixed up."

When you got to your house you immediately started helping Aaron.

"Does this hurt."

"No your fine"


You finally finished.

"Aaron I'm really sorry I didn't know, this is all my fau-

You were suddenly cut off by a pair off soft lips. You were shocked but the started to kiss back. Aaron suddenly pulled away.

"I'm soo sorry y/n I don't know what I was thinking."

You laugh and then grab him by the neck and kiss him again.

"I love you y/n"

"I love you to Aaron."

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