Hayes Imagine

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This imagine is dedicated to @angele_grier07 and @bellamarilynn  and I hope you don't mind I mixeed your requests togehhher becauthey were basiccally tthe same :)) I hope you enjoy and make sure you follow me on all my social media's

Snapchat: cassiewidmaier

Instagram: cassiewidmaier

Twitter: cassiewidmaier

btw y/n/n stands for your nick name


Your best friend Hayes was coming over today and you were super excited because you haven't seen him in a couple of weeks. When Hayes arrived you wrapped him in a tight hug. " I've missed you so much Poobear!" "I've missed you to y/n/n" he laughed. 

You started off the day going swimming and playing video games. Soon enough it was lunch time so Hayes at in the living room while you made food. As you were making the sandwiches you felt someone creep up behind you and squeeze your sides. "Hayes! Don't do that it tickles!"you say trying to keep a straight face but you ended up caving when you hear his perfect laugh. You could listen to it all day and not get tired of hearing it. "Oh I'm sorry Y/n I didn't realize you were ticklish there." Hayes said smirking as he began to tickle you again. 

You were laughing so hard you could barely talk. "Hayes *laughs* stop *laugh* tickling *laugh* me !" you say as you turn around and begin tickling him back. "Alright, alright I surrender!" he says laughing as he backs away from you.

You guys finish lunch and swim a bit more before deciding to play a one-on-one game of football. All you needed was one more touchdown to beat Hayes. Hayes fumbles the play and you quickly recover it taking off towards the end zone. Your sprinting as fast as you can to try and stay ahead of Hayes.  You look back at Hayes to see he is catching up to you, just as you reach the end zone you decide to speed up. Bad idea though because as soon as you sped up, you tripped over your own feet and went head first onto the road. 

"Ahh!' You yell out in pain as you lay on the ground with your eyes closed. It feels like the world is spinning and your head is pounding. As soon as Hayes processed what happened he ran to your rescue. "Y/n oh my gosh are you okay? Your bleeding! Do you feel dizzy? Do you need to go to the hospital? I'll call your mom just stay here, I'm so sorry!" Hayes says panicking.

You slowly open your eyes and grab Hayes hand to calm him down. "Hayes calm down I'm fine, I just need to lay here for a minute." You say squeezing his hand. "' Oh thank god! We should get your head cleaned up before you get infected y/n." Hayes says getting up. "Yeah your right." You say getting up. 

As soon as you get to your feet you begin to feel yourself fall again. You quickly shut your eyes waiting to collide with he ground when you feel yourself fall into someones arms. You open your eyes to see Hayes beautiful blue eyes. The eyes that you've loved since thee third grade. You finally snapped out of your daze when you hear his voice. 

"Y/n can you hear me? Are you alright?" He asked worry hinted all throughout his voice. " Yeah, yeah I'm fine I'm just really dizzy." Hayes just held onto you with his arms around your waste as you keep your  tight grip around his neck. He slowly starts to lean in and so do you. After 6 years it's finally going to happen. Your about to kiss the boy you have loved since you knew what love meant.

His soft lips collided with yours and all you could feel was butterflies. Butterflies everywhere, it was incredible! Kissing Hayes felt so right, he gave you this feeling that you desired more of. It was like you were hungry, but hungry for only his lips. You've never felt anything like it and you wanted more. When you guys pulled apart you were both speechless.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time." He said smiling down at you. 'Me too," you say with he same silly grin on your face reaching ear to ear. "Come on let's go get your head cleaned up." "right yeah that would be smart." you say laughing. 

You and Hayes walk into your house hand and hand. When you reach the door he stops and turns to you. "Oh  and y/n, would you be my  girlfriend?" "I'd love to Hayes." You say reaching up to give him a sweet kiss before going inside to clean up your head.                                

      The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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