Gilinsky Imagine

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This imagine is dedicated to @Manana367 I'm sorry it's so short but I hope you enjoy and make sure to follow me on all my social media's

Instagram: cassiewidmaier

Snapchat: cassiewidmaier

Twitter: cassiewidmaier


Your P.O.V

I was taking Cosmo for a walk to the park today so I could get some summer reading done and he could run around. When we arrived at the park I found a beautiful spot under a tree next to the lake. I unhooked Cosmo and let him go because he was trained not to run away.

I had just finished my first chapter when I looked up to see Cosmo running away. I sprinted up out of my seat and ran after him. "Cosmo!" I chased Cosmo until I knocked down. "Ow hey! Watch it!"as I look up at a gorgeous guy around my age. "I am so sorry my bad." the mystery guy said reaching out to help me up. "Thanks. I'm sorry I have to go I lost my dog." I said rushing off. "Wait I'll help you."

"Cosmo come on bud where'd you go?" I called. Jack and I have been looking for Cosmo for over an hour. He is nowhere to be found but at least it gave me time to get to know Jack. He was a really interesting and smart guy, plus not to mention he's really hot.

"I think he's gone. We won't find him. Thanks for the help anyways." I said sadly turning to Jack. "are you sure? I won't mind if we keep looking." "No it's fine I have to go anyways. Thanks so much it was really nice of you to help me." "No problem. Do you uh do you think I could get your number?" he stammered nervously. "Yeah of course." I smiled taking his phone from his hand and putting my number in. "Thanks. Well I'll um text you, maybe we can hangout soon. " "Yeah I'd like that. Bye" I smiled. I turned towards the park entrance to leave when I heard a rustling in the bushes. I walked towards the bushes when suddenly Cosmo jumped out of the bushes. "Cosmo where have you been boy?! Come on let's go home boy."

                                                                       The End

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