Matt Imagine

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Today is Friday, which means date night. Usually you and Matt go out, get food, and than come home and watch a movie but tonight you wanted to shake things up a little. You texted Matt telling him you were planning date night and than you went straight to the web to find out what you can do in your little town. When you decided on what you were going to do, you went straight to work on setting everything up.

Later that night Matt came over and was amazed at what you had set up for the date. "Babe this looks amazing!" "Thanks but this is just the beginning." You guys sat down and watched Matt's favorite movie, The Hangover, and ate his favorite candy, sour patch kids and chocolate.

When you finished the movie you cleaned up the snacks and lead Matt to the car. "Where to now?" "It's a surprise." you said smiling. When he got in the car you blind folded him and started your drive to the next part of your date. You finally reached your destination after a painful drive consisting of Matt's horrible singing and spontaneous dancing.

You pulled up to venue and lead Matt inside. "What's going on babe?" "This." You say as you take off his blindfold and show him where you guys are. "Tonight I will be kicking your butt in a fun yet competitive game of paintball!" "Are you serious? Babe this is amazing thank you!" He says as you two take off into the course.

Paintball was so much fun and you ended up beating Matt which was a bonus! You guys ended the night by pigging out at In-N-Out and taking a walk on the beach. When you guys got back to the car Matt drove you home and walked you to your door to say your goodbyes. "This was amazing princess thank you!" "I'm glad you liked it, I had a lot of fun. But I better go to bed." "Goodnight baby, I love you." "I love you too Matt."



I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine and make sure you check out my other book Imagines 2.0! Also If you guys wanna check out my social media's IG,Twitter, and SC: cassiewidmaier

I Love you Guys, Peace, and Stay Gucci

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