Taylor imagine for Becky

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Your P.O.V

Today is the day. Today is the 2014 dance nationals!

I am so excited yet nervous. I just wish my boyfriend were here, he could always calm me down.

My boyfriend Taylor, yes the Taylor Caniff, is in LA with his friends Nash and Carter filming and I'm stuck here in London.. it sucks being miles apart but we make it work.

Anyways, he was supposed to fly in yesterday to watch me dance but had to cancel due to extra scenes in his movie. I was heart broken but yet I completely understood because this is what he loves to do.

Oh hold up, I just got a message.

From: Tay Tay is Sexy

Hey babe I'm so sorry I couldn't make it. But good luck and break a leg

What the hell does he mean by break a leg? Did he seriously just tell me to break my leg?

To: Tay Tay is Sexy

Did you seriously just tell me to break my leg? What the hell Taylor?

From: Tay Tay is Sexy

Oh my god no break a leg means good luck

To: Tay Tay is Sexy

Oh Uhm well then thanks...

From: Tay Tay is Sexy

Good luck Beck I love you

With that I grew the confidence to go on stage and kill my dance number.

(click here to watch her dance number

http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=69dxHkzklrQ )

After my routine, I got a big applause and exited the stage. I went back to my dressing room and opened the door to find Taylor standing there with a huge smile on his face and flowers in his hand.

Taylor! I said as I ran into his arm and he held me close.


Omg what are you doing here?

You really didn't think I was going to miss you at nationals did you?

Omg I cant belive you made it I missed you so much!

I missed you too baby. So so much

He said as he planted a long and passionate kiss on my lips be for giving me my flowers, taking my hand and leading me to his car where we leave and go to dinner.

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