Nash Grier

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Morgan's P.O.V

My names Morgan Rae Caniff. I'm 17 years old and I live in Indiana with my dad and my brother. Yes the Taylor Caniff is my brother.

It's been two years.. Two years since I last saw my twin brother Taylor. (Did i forget to mention were twins? oops) I miss him like crazy.

Anyways, Let my explain. My mom passed away after I was born, and ever since then my dad started drinking and doing drugs. So, whenever he was drunk he would abuse me. It's been going on for about 5years now. And the thing is he only does it when Taylor's not around...

Just like every day, I go home and try to sneak past my father. Just my luck, he saw me.

"Morgan! Where do u think your going?"

"To my room?"

"Get back here!"

"But I have a lot of homework."

"Don't talk back to me!"

Suddenly I feel a painful sting on my cheek. Yes he slapped me, that's how it always starts. I tried to fight back the tears but he saw.

He then punched me in the face and I dropped to the ground. He then repeatedly kicked me in the ribs and sides.

He finally let me go and I went up to my room. I just thought at least it wasn't as bad as most days..

Taylor's P.O.V

I haven't seen Morgan in 2 years and I miss her so much. Maybe I'll go surprise her at home?!?

•1week later•

Still Taylor's P.O.V

I was out side my house with Nash when We heard a scream. It sounded like Morgan. I rushed in to see my own father beating my sister!

"What are you doing?!?"

"She just needs alittle discipline."

"Get away from her."

I then grabbed Morgan and ran out. Nash following quickly behind.

I can't believe my dad was beating Morgan.

"How long has this been going on!" I asked frustrated.

"It might have been 5years but you know.." She mumbled.

"5 YEARS!!"

She flinched.

"I'm sorry Morgan I'm just mad. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know because I didn't want him to hurt you to.."

"We'll from now on you will be living with me."

*5 months later*

Morgan's P.O.V

I have been living with Taylor for 5 months now and I love it. The boys are soo nice and welcoming especially Nash.

Don't tell Taylor but I think I have a little crush on Nash.
But he doesn't like me like that so.

Nash P.O.V

" Go ahead man I give u permission."

"Thanks man I owe you. I just hope she says yes."

"I know she will."
"Uh hey Morgan can I ask you something?"

"Yeah! What's up?"

"Umm...w-would you may-maybe wanna ga-go on a d-date with m-me?"

" :D I would love to Nash."

Morgan's P.O.V

Hey sorry guys its not very good. I really wanted to update for you so I kinda just wung it lol. I promise better imagines with be up soon. PLEASE COMMENT A REQUEST WITH THE BOY, YOUR NAME, AND WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN! PLEASE GUYS I NEED IDEAS!
(Sorry bout the caps. I thought they just set the desperate mood lol) oh and sorry bout the lack of Nash in this. They will get better I promise.

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