Hayes imagine for Tiara

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Hey Tee wanna come swimming?


Of course! Be there in 5.

Hayes and I have lived across the street since my older brother Jack (sorry if u don't have a brother) was born. You see Jack and Nash have been best friends since they were 1. Even though Jack is a little older than Nash they still do everything together. So when Nash and Jack became best friends, so did our parents.

Then my mom and Hayes mom found out that they were both pregnant and when Hayes was born a couple months later I was born and ever since then we have been inseparable. The thing is I have kinda had a big crush on Hayes since 4th grade. As i got older my feelings got stronger, I just wish he felt the same way but with Nash getting vine famous and now Hayes I know he doesn't like me. I mean he could get any girl right?

Anyways, I slipped on my tribal print bikini and walked over to Haye's house and into the back where Hayes was waiting in the pool.

How nice of you to finally show up Tiara.

Ha sorry Hayes. I didn't know which bikini to where.

Well I like that one. Good choice!

Thank you. I said as I set my towel on the chair and layed down trying to tan. I was tanning until suddenly the sun went away. I opened my eyes to see a soaking Hayes over me smiling.

Hayes Grier you better not!

Sorry babe.

He said as he scooped me up into his arms (His very toned and muscular arms my I add) and threw me into the pool. With him jumping in shortly after.

You are soo going to get it Grier

Oh am I? I would like to see you try Tee.

That's it I'm soo gunna get him. i suddenly snuck behind him and dunked him underwater.

i then started laughing uncontrollably.

Your. Face. Hahaha

Something funny Tiara? He said inching closer to me

No. Hayes. Please don't.. I begged until i felt my back hit the edge of the pool. I was trapped. I had no idea what he was going to do to me next when out of nowhere he grabbed my face and kissed me. I was shocked at first but then i started kissing back. 

I really like you Tee and i just had to do that. I know you don't feel the same but-

I cut him off with a kiss.

Who said I didn't like you back?

He then kissed me again. this time with so much more passion.

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