Hayes Imagine

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This imagine is dedicated to @awilson000 I'm so it's so short but I hope you enjoy and make sure to follow me on all my social media's

Snapchat: cassiewidmaier

Instagram: cassiewidmaier

Twitter: cassiewidmaier


Your P.O.V

Sadly our two weeks are up and Hayes has to leave again for tour. Hayes was away on tour for the month of July and then two weeks ago he flew home to see you, but now here he is leaving again for yet another tour. Don't get me wrong I'm proud of Hayes and I'm really happy he has the luxury to go from place to place and visit his fans but I feel like he doesn't have time for me anymore. Yes we skype every night but it's not the same. I just want him in my arms again. I want to be able to wake up and call him to go on an adventure with me. But I can't do that anymore and I don't like it.

Hayes P.O.V

The time has come where I leave my baby y/n to go on tour again. I'm really going to miss her. I'll miss waking up early to make breakfast together. I'll miss holding her in my arms as she falls asleep. But mostly I'll miss all our little adventures and just spending quality time together. This has been the best two weeks of my life and I really don't want this to end.

Goodbye time..(still hayes' p.o.v)

In one hand my luggage and in the other, the love of my life. We walk hand and hand through the airport, neither one of us daring to talk. When we reached the gates I knew this was it.

"I'm going to miss you like crazy" she said looking at the ground. I slowly lift her chin and press a long kiss to her lips. "I'm going to miss you too baby but it won't be long I promise we will see each other sooner than we think" I saw hugging her tightly. "I know but three weeks is a long time Hayes. What am I going to do for three weeks?" she asks pulling away from the hug.

"You will be hanging out with me traveling the world." I said smirking as I looked at the shocked and confused look on her face. "What the heck are you talking about Hayes. What did you do?" "Well I may have requested that you come on tour with me. And I may or may not have packed your bags for you and set them in the car without you looking." She stares at me for a couple seconds before embracing me in a tight hug. "This is the best surprise ever. I love you baby thanks so much!" "I love you too boo." I said pulling her towards me and setting a passionate kiss upon her lips, as we walk hand and hand back to the car to get her bags.

                                                                               THE END

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