Aaron imagine for Emily

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I was at the mall with my bestfriend Abby when I saw Aaron kissing another girl!!

He said he couldn't hangout because he was busy with MAGCON things but here he is kissing another girl! That douche!!

Aaron turned and saw me. I ran. Ran far away. Out of the mall, going somewhere, nowhere, anywhere but there.

I can hear him screaming my name but I just keep running. Pretty soon he is right behind. I'm about to run faster when he grabs me and pushes me against the fountain wall.

"Why! Why me! What did I do wrong! Was I not good enough for you Aaron! Was a just another girl in your little game for you to mess with! Well not anymore, we done! Goodbye Aaron have a nice life!"

"Emily listen to me I can explain!" He says starting to cry.

"Explain! There's nothing to explain you cheated on me PERIOD. You can't explain anything. Just stop were done!"

"Emily listen. She means nothing to me. She's just a fan and she kissed me. I love you and only you."

He then connects his lips to yours and kisses you passionately. All of your anger and sadness disappears and you melt in his arms.

"I love you Aaron."

"I love you to Emily. More than words can describe."


I'm sorry it's really short but there you go!


Also follow me on Instagram and Twitter: cassiewidmaier

I love you guys😘

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