Matt imagine for Faith

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Matt's P.O.V

I just watched all her vines and youtube videos for a 3rd time! I can't help it her voice sends me to heaven it's amazing. I just wish she knew how much I liked her.

You see I have a huge crush on
Faith Johnson. Yes Jacks little sister. She sings on vine and youtube and her voice is amazing.

But more importantly her personality is so original and amazing! She's so bubbly and outgoing and is absolutely hilarious! I love being around her!

Faiths P.O.V

I just watched all Matt's Vines for a 4th time. I think my crush on him is getting bad..

Sorry my names Faith Johnson.  Yes Jacks little sister. Anyways I have a huge crush on Matt Espinosa but i don't think he likes me back..

We hangout alot but never just him and I. Jack or Nash or Cam or one of the boys are always with us.

I just wish he liked me as much as i like him..

Matt's P.O.V.

So today i decide to just be a man and ask Jack for permission to ask Faith out. I just hope he says yes..

______________Later that day______________
So I'm meeting Jack at In n' Out Burger to ask him for permission to ask out Faith.

Hey Matt what's up?

Hey Jack nothing much. How have you been?

Great! So why did you want to meet me here today?

Well I was wondering if you would be ok with me asking out Faith? I've had a crush on her for a long time and I think I'm ready to just get over myself and tell her.

Wow I mean your a great guy Matt and I know you wouldn't hurt her so if she really likes you as much as you like her than I can't say no so sure you can ask her out.  BUT if you hurt her I will personally ripe your head off, got it?

Got it. Thanks man it really means a lot to me.

No problem now how are you gunna ask her out?

We then discuss ideas on how I should ask faith out.

Faiths P.O.V

It was time for me to perform my song at Magcon.  Jack insisted I perform today.

I had just finished my song and went to walk off stage when I heard the screams triple and all the girls telling me to turn around.

I turned around and saw Matt with a Mic in one hand and a human sized teddy bear with a bouquet of flowers in the other.

Faith I have liked you for the longest time. Your voice is like heaven sending shivers down my spine every time you sing. Every time I'm around you there's nowhere I'd rather be. I love being with you,  your so bubbly and funny and just so fun to be with. I like you Faith alot and I was wondering if you would do me the honors of going out with me?

Yes Omg Yes Matt! I like you so much yes!

He dropped the Mic and ran up and hugged you spinning you around. That was the start of a great relationship with Matt.

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