Matt imagine for Rachel

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For our 5month anniversary Matt and you are going to the carnival!!
Your alittle scared because you've never been on a roller coaster or anything. Plus you hated heights!!

When you got there you went to every game there was. Matt won you a gigantic teddy bear and giraffe. He also got you one of those waxed hands of you two holding hands with a rose in between.

Then you went to eat and you got a corn dog and Matt got a pepperoni puff. You also got a funal cake to share.

Then,You went and got those character drawing of you two kissing.

After that it was time for the rides.

Matt I don't know if I'm ready..

Come on Rach we will start in the Farris wheel okay? I promise nothing will happen to you.

You guys got on the Farris wheel. As it began to go up you gripped Matts hand tighter and tighter

Rachel look at me. I've got you, nobody's going to hurt you okay? I love you to much to let that happen.

I love you to Matt

You both leaned in slowly and he kissed you. Sparks everywhere. That kiss felt like the first time and it was Amazing!

Sorry it stunk but it's kinda hard to write an imagine with little information. Remember REQUESTS WILL ONLY BE ANSWERED IF SENT TO MY INBOX

WHAT HAPPENS(specific)


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