Nash imagine for Daphne

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Well that's it for this weeks video. A special thanks to my best friend Nash for being in my video. I will see you guys next Monday. Don't change for anyone, I love you guys byeeee<3 I say ending my youtube video.

Hey thanks again for being in my video.

No problem. Hey wanna come over?

Sure but first let me change into some sweats. Give me one sec.

I then went upstairs and changed into this 

*Let me start by saying Hi my name is Daphne and I am a famous youtuber and yes I am best friends with THE Nash Grier. But the thing is I have known Nash for almost 8 years now and 2 years ago I kinda started to develop feelings for him. So I thought they would just go away, but they just keep getting stronger. Anyways I should probably go back downstairs before Nash wonders what took so long.*


yep. leggoo

                     Nash's House

I was thinking we could just order pizza and watch a couple movies?

Sounds great!

Great! I am going to go order the pizza and you can pick out some movies, just nothing to girly pleaseee.

Can't make any promises :)

Nash then went into the kitchen and ordered the pizza as I picked out 2 movies. I finally decided on G.B.F and Can't buy my love as Nash walked in.

I got a large cheese and a medium pepperoni, but they said they are super busy so it might take awhile. What movies did you pick out?

I then lifted up G.B.F and Can't buy my love with a big grin on my face.

Daph I said no girly moviesss

Oh well. You left me to pick out the movies and this is what I want to watch :)

Your lucky I Love you haha

I know haha If only he meant it in the way I did...

I popped in G.B.F and took my seat next  to Nash on the loveseat.

Halfway throught G.B.F the doorbell rang.

I'll get it. Daphne can you get the plates?

I went into the kitchen and grabbed 2 plates, some napkins, and 2 sodas, When I came back out Nash was staring at the pizza with a worried look on his face. 

Nash are you okay?

Huh? Oh um yeah it's just.. Daphne I need to tell you something.

What is it? I say sitting back down in my seat next to Nash.

There is something written in that pizza box and when you read it you need to promise me you wont get mad.

 Nash your scaring me..

It will make sense in a minute just promise me please Daphne

OK I promise.

OK open the box.

I opened the box to see this


I know this is a long shot but you are my best friend and I would never do anything to jeopardize our friendship but for the last 2 years I have liked you as more than a friend and I don't think I can stand not knowing how you feel about me anymore. You have been my best friend for 8 years but I am in love with you Daphne and if you feel the same please say so because I probably look like a nervous wreck right now.


I then turned to Nash and kissed him. It was the best kiss I have ever experienced. I know this sounds cheesy but i seriously felt sparks fly. 

Nash I have loved you for 2 years. But what took you so long to tell me? 

I dont know. I guess I was just scared of rejection. But now that I know how you feel Daphne will you be my girlfriend?

Ew no gross

What? But-

Nah im just kidding of course I will Nashyyy

Nash then kissed you again this time with even more passion than before. You guys then ate all the pizza and coudled watching Cant buy love for the rest of the night.


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