Hayes Imagine

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This imagine is dedicated to @Hayes_Grierlover2002 Hope you enjoy! Also i would love if you guys followed me on my social media's IG,Twitter, and SC- cassiewidmaier and I'd love to talk to you guys! Also I wanna apologize for this imagine being very short. If you would like to request another one or a different boy I would gladly do it.


It was my 15th birthday and my boyfriend Hayes was away on tour. I wish he could be here but I know it's his job and he can't just leave whenever. It's okay because I know whatever I do I will have a great time with my friends!

I was planning on having a small party in my backyard with some of my close friends but my mom insisted on planning my party. It's weird, she never cared what I did for my party and she always expected me to plan it, now she suddenly wants to do everything.. something weird is going on.

Today is the day of my party and my mom won't tell me anything about it. She is even blind folding me so I don't know where we are going. When we finally arrived here but the problem is I have no idea where here is. "Mom where are we?" "You'll see honey." she said with a big grin on her face, oh yeah something is definitely going on.

We walked into the venue and the lights were off. A surprise party I should've known. Suddenly a single light turned on and standing right in front of my is my boyfriend. "Hayes!" I yell running straight into his arms. "Happy Birthday baby!" Than all the lights turned on and I was surrounded by all my friends and family. "Did you do all this?" "Well yeah! You didn't think I was going to miss your birthday did you? I had to do something incredible for an incredible girl!" "This is amazing thank you I love it, I love you" "I love you too."


I hope you enjoyed this imagine and make sure you vote for it and check out my other book Imagines 2.0 for more imagines on non-magcon boys!

I Love You Guys, Peace, and Stay Gucci

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