Jack J Imagine

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You just recently had a huge fight with your bestfriend. Why was she acting like this.

You were just so upset you didn't wanna do anything, that includes not going to school.

Your mom let you stay home considering she knew what happened.

After watching chick flicks all day you looked at the clock and saw school let out 5minutes ago.

Then you got a text from your amazing boyfriend of 7months Jack.

•Hey babe, are u okay? You weren't in school today.•

You love how much he cares.

•I'm good. Just alittle upset. Thanks for asking though.•

You didn't get a reply. You shrugged it off and turned on Dirty Dancer. Your favorite movie! (A/N Dirty Dancer is the best movie ever! You should watch it but its pg-13 so)

Right before the movie begins you hear a knock at your door.

"Come in!" You yell. Suddenly regretting that bc it could be a killer. Lucky it was just Jack.

"Hey babe, are you okay. I heard what happened between you and y/f/n."

"I'm upset because we have been friends for so long but, I'm felling better now."

"Well I brought you your favorite candy and I see you already have Dirty Dancer on."

"Awe thanks Jack your the best."

Jack and you cuddle until the middle if the movie you hear another knock.

It can't be my mom because she's at work. It's not a killer because killers do not knock.

You open the door to see your bestfriend tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. She looks exactly like you.

"Y/n I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course y/f/n! I couldn't stand having you mad at me."

You guys hug and make-up and then Dinah the rest if the movie with your amazing boyfriend and your bestfriend.
Sorry I didn't update guys. I wrote half of it and fell asleep. Also it's not that good but I promise. If u give me ideas they will be so much better so
Thanks guys love you! Lol.

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