Shawn Imagine

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Your P.O.V

I haven't seen my boyfriend Shawn in 4 months because he has been busy with tour. Today is the day of the Taylor Swift concert. I told Shawn I couldn't go because I had to work, but as you can tell I lied. I have a Sound check pass for Shawn, so hopefully I can surprise him!

I pulled up to the venue after a 4 hour drive. When I got inside I found my seat and waited for Shawn. I was super excited to surprise him but I was worried a fan might tell him I'm here.

I took some pictures with fans making sure they don't post them until after the sound check, and wait for Shawn. After about 15 minutes Shawn came out for sound check. The first song he sang was Life of the Party but he didn't look like his chirpy, happy self and I was concerned. When finally half way through the song our eyes met and he broke out into a smile.

Shawn's P.O.V

I miss Y/N. I know I sound stupid but I don't care, I miss her so much! I wish she could be here tonight but she has work. I have been so sad these last two weeks and I know everyone is worried about me. I don't know why this is affecting me so much, I mean I should be so happy. I'm doing what I love! But I just can't stop thinking about her...

I went out for sound check still not feeling as happy as I should, but my fans always make me feel better so hopefully after sound check I will be perky again. I started off with Life of the Party, when about half way through the song I spot the most beautiful girl in the world, y/n.

I suddenly broke out into the biggest smile, I can't believe she's here! I have to get her back stage. After the song I called my manager onstage. " Hey sorry to stop guys but Andrew could you come out here?" "What's up Shawn?" he asked " Could you give y/n a backstage pass and have her come back here after sound check?" I whispered. "Of course man."

I finished sound check and waited backstage for y/n.

Your P.O.V

Andrew came up to me after Shawn's sound check and handed me a pass. "He's requesting you backstage" he said smiling. Andrew lead me backstage to Shawn and I couldn't hold myself back. I ran straight into his arms not letting go. I finally let go after 5 minutes and we went to his dressing room where we talked and cuddled until some guy came in. "Your on in 2 Shawn." he said. "Can you give me 5 more minutes? I'm not ready to leave my girl yet." Shawn said looking into my eyes.

When our 5 minutes were up Shawn went on stage and I got to watch him perform backstage with Andrew. When he finished we went into the crowd to watch Taylor perform. Sadly Taylor finished and I had to go so I went backstage with Shawn to say goodbye. "Goodbye Andrew, bye Taylor you did great tonight!" I said, than i turned to Shawn and embraced him tight. " I'm going to miss you Shawn" "I'm going to miss you too y/n but there is only a couple more weeks left of the tour, than I'm home again and I'll bring you up to Canada for the summer." "Okay bye Shawn see you later." "Bye babe I'll see you real soon." And with that I walked out, mentally counting down the days until I see Shawn again.


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