Jack J imagine for Lisa

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Follow me on Instagram @cassiewidmaier please :) thanks guys!


I was at Wendy's with my friend y/f/n when this really cute no hot boy walks in with a bunch of his friends.

After they ordered they sat a couple tables away from us.

We finished our food and I went to throw the food away. As I got up there that really hot boy came up to me.

Um hey I'm Jack

I'm Lisa nice to meet you

Would you maybe like to go out on a date with me? He asks.

I'd love to. Here's my number .

You two exchange numbers and you then leave, hearing the boys teasing Jack and you blushing like crazy.


At around 3 you got a text from Jack.

From: Jack is the sexiest man alive (he wrote that)

I'll pick you up at 6 for dinner beautiful.

To: Jack is the sexiest man alive.

I'll be waiting ;)

I got dressed in some high wasted shorts and a cute floral top with some black sandals.

I then began to do my hair and makeup. My hair was curled and my makeup was natural with alittle sparkly eye shadow.

As soon as I finished brushing my teeth I hear a knock at the door. I open it to see Jack outside looking so handsome

Wow you look beautiful Lisa

You don't look to bad yourself Jack

Ready to go? He says as he extends his hand for me to take

Yep you say as you take his hand and walk out.

You guys soon arrive at a beach with a beautiful picnic set up.

Did you do this?

Yeah do you like it?

I love it Jack!

You guys then ate the delicious food and Jack sang me some songs. After that you guys went in the water for alittle until I realize it's 10oclock and I better get home.

When I get home Jack walks me to the door.

I had an amazing time tonight Jack. Thank you so much!

Me to! Do you think we could hangout again sometime?

I'd like that.

He then leaned in and kisses me. Fireworks everywhere!! It was amazing!

Goodnight Lisa

Goodnight Jack


Keep requesting to my inbox. Thank you soo much for all your support I love you guys!!

Can I ask one thing of you guys?

FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @cassiewidmaier it would mean so much to me!




love you guys

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