Jack G Imagine

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You were just watching your favorite show, Teen Wolf, when your bestfriend F/N barged into your room.
"Omg y/n guess where we r going!!"
"I don't know, where?"
"Magcon Tour!!!!"
You weren't a big fan of those boys. Even though you don't know anything about them and you haven't seen any of their vines you know they are just a bunch of big ego-headed boys.
"Why do I have to go?"
"Because your my bestfriend and you love me so you'll come."

*Day of Magcon*

F/n come over at like 6am to wake up to go to the hotel for Magcon. When you got there at around 9, f/n immediately went to get ready even though you still had like 3 hours. So you just sat watching Awkward till she was ready. 2hours later she was done and you went in to get ready. 10min later you came out and then te two of you went to eat Lunch.
When you got to the restaurant you guys ordered. You got a Club sandwich and f/n got Wedding soup and Grilled cheese. You told f/n you had to use the restroom. On your way there you got knocked down by some guy.
"Hey watch it!"
"I'm so sorry m'am. Are you okay?"
You looked up and looke into a pair of beautiful brown eyes.
"It's fine it was my fault anyways. Sorry I yelled at you."
"Oh it's fine. I got to go see you around?"
"Oh uh yeah bye"

[ At Magcon ]

You were in line with f/n to see some kid Jack Gilinsky? You had to admit Magcon wasn't as horrible as you thought it would be. F/n was next and you finally looked up from your phone and saw the boy that you ran into at the restaurant.
"Hey I know you!"
"Oh yeah your the guy I ran into at the restaurant."
"Yeah sorry bout that."
"No it's fine it was my fault"
"Well what's your name?"
"I'm Jack nice to meet you."
"You too"
"We should meet up sometime"
"I'd like that :)"
You guys then exchanged numbers. You then looked at f/n and she just stood there shocked! Her face was hilarious!
After Magcon day one:
You and Jack have been texting all night. Maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as you thought.
That was then the beginning of a long and magical relationship.
And it all started with Magcon.

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