Hayes Imagine for Ali

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Ali's P.O.V

Hayes and I were going to the lake today to go jet skiing and water tubing. I was super excited because I might have a tiny crush on Hayes.

I was picking out an outfit and my bathing suit when I got a text from Hayes

From Hayes:
Hey Al I'll be there in 10 :)

To Hayes:
Kk :)

I finally found the perfect outfit and was pulling my hair up when the doorbell rang.
Must be Hayes.
I opened the door and let him in.

Hey Al

Hey Hass  I said giving him a hug.

Ready to go?

Yup! I said grabbing my bag and heading outside.
_______________Skip walk_________________

It was around 4 and we have been at the lake for almost 2 hours when we decided to head back because it was like a 20 minute walk.

Hayes and I talked the entire time. There was never a silence. I liked how he never ran out of things to say.

Sadly we reached my house and it was time to say goodbye.

Thanks for today and walking me home Hayes. I had an amazing time!

Me too Ali. We should hangout again.


How about I call you tomorrow?

Sounds great!

Until then. He said before looking from my lips to my eyes and then leaning in to kiss me. I leaned in to and our lips met. It was perfect.
Not to sound cliché but I felt butterflies in my stomach and fireworks everywhere! It was an indescribable feeling that I didn't want it to end.

Finally we pulled away so we could breathe.


I know! I said.

Well ill see you tomorrow Al's. Hayes said before walking away with the biggest smile.

I walked in the house with the exact same smile on my face.

This day couldn't have gone any better :)

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