Nash imagine

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I was on my way to Magcon with my older brother Matt. It was my first time meeting the boys and I was super nervous. What if they didn't like me? What if they judged me? Or even worse, what if they were mean to me?
In the past I had been bullied a lot and it really tore me apart. I didn't know how to handle it. That's when Matt stepped up and started to be there for me more. Now nothing can tare us apart.

We eventually pulled up to the venue and I was shaking. As soon as I got out of the car I saw all the boys. They all jumped on Matt giving him a huge hug while I stood there awkwardly..

Eventually they all snapped out of their bromance and tuned their attention to me. "Guys this is my sister Chloe, Chloe these are the boys." "Hi," I said giving a small smile and a little wave.

One by one they came up to me, hugging me and chatting a little with me. Then, Nash came over and gave me a hug, which was longer than the other boys might I add. "You look beautiful." He said before releasing me and stepping away.

Later, after the show we were all playing 20questions to get to know each other when the dreaded question popped up. "Are you single?" We all went around, most of us saying yes until we got to Nash. "Nash are you single?" Aaron asked. Nash just sat there for awhile, he seemed to be thinking when he smirked and said "Not for long." as he winked at me. I couldn't stop blushing.

When we got back to our rooms, I couldn't focus, I kept replaying it in my head what Nash had said, not for long.
Was he really talking to me? Maybe he meant someone else. Surely it couldn't be me. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by someone who had been on my mind all night...

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