Shawn Imagine

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This imagine is dedicated to @Vicky_Mendes I hope you enjoy and make sure you follow me on all my social media's

Snapchat: cassiewidmaier

Instagram: cassiewidmaier

Twitter: cassiewidmaier


Your P.O.V

I was sitting on couch watching cartoons when I receive a text from my best friend Shawn.

S: Come over

y/n: What are we going to do?

S: Make out

S: JK I've been hiding something for awhile and I think it's time I told you.

Shawn always joked around like this with you but you couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. Yes I have a crush, a huge crush, on my best friend but he doesn't feel the same so I just have to get over it.

y/n: I'll be over in 10

I rushed upstairs and got ready to go to Shawn's. Even though I was just going to my bestfriends house I still wanted to look nice, you know? So I dressed in a black polka-dot skater skirt, and white tank. I then moved on to curl my long brown and blonde ombre hair and apply my makeup. When I finished, I slipped on my black sandals and drove over to Shawn's.

At Shawn's

Just as I was about to open the door Shawn opened the door with a smirk. "I have been waiting for you for the past half an hour." Shawn said embracing me in a long hug. "Haha sorry. So what did you want to talk about?" I asked. He suddenly went from joking to serious. Was it really that bad? What is he hiding? I'm kinda scared to know now.

Shawn's P.O.V

Nervous can't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now. What if she doesn't like me back? What if this ruins our friendship? I can't lose her because even if I can't love her, I still need her. I still need to see her smile every day. I need to see her in the crowd of my shows, cheering me on. I need to here her voice telling me she's proud of me and that she loves me. Without her I'm not Shawn, without her I don't know who I am. She has made me the person I am today, and I can't lose that type of influence in my life. I can't lose her. But she needs to know how I feel. So it's decided, I'm telling her.

I took y/n upstairs to my room and sat her on the bed. Now all I have to do is tell her. I just need to come right out with it, just spit it out. I began pacing back and forth, walking around my room fixing every little thing out of place. I can see the concern look on her face. She stands up and places her soft and tiny hand on my shoulder.

"Shawn is everything alright? I know your nervous but it's me your talking to. I'm your bestfriend Shawn you can tell me anything." She's right. I just need to man up and tell her. I turned around to face her and I looked straight into her eyes. "Y/n I love you. I have for awhile now and I know you probably don't feel the same but you needed to know. I needed you to know. I've had a crush on you for a couple of months now and I thought it was only  phase. But each day my feelings get stronger and stronger. I just couldn't keep it in any longer. I love you y/n."

I put my head down and take a deep breathe. When I look up at her she looks shocked..still. "Please y/n say something. Your killing me here." Suddenly she pulls me into a kiss. I know it's cliche but i felt sparks. I could literally see the fireworks and feel the butterflies in my stomach. I've never been kissed like that before, it was incredible. She pulled away and smiled, " I love you too Shawn."

                                            The End

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