Aaron imagine for Ally

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Your P.O.V

I was sitting at home reading all the hate.

Your disgusting

Your soo fat

Why does Aaron even talk to you

Because he feels bad for her

One by one you read them. They were right, Aaron was only still friends with you because he felt bad.

We have been bestfriends for 6 years and I bet he was still only my friend because our moms are friends.

Gosh why did I think someone like him would like someone like me. Yes incase you couldn't notice I've had a crush on him for about 2 years.

Another comment rolls in

Just go kill yourself! Nobody would care your just a waste of air!

That's it! I was supposed to hangout with Aaron today but I'm gunna cancel because right now I'm so upset I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm just gunna text him.

Hey Aaron I can't hangout today I'm so sorry.

Hey it's fine Ally but is everything okay?

Yeah I'm fine but my mom and I have to go visit my grandma.

Oh okay well maybe tomorrow.

Aaron's P.O.V

Something was wrong she was lying to me. How do I know you ask? Well I have known her most of our life and plus her mom is at my house...

Something's up an I'm gunna find out.

Your P.O.V

Your were up in your bathroom. This is it. You took out your old razor. You haven't used this since 7th grade..

One slit
And another
One after another you continue to cut
One more you think

Just then your bathroom door opens

Omg Ally! What are you doing?

Aaron says as he rushes to you and wraps your wrist in a towel.

It's-it's the ha-hate it was too

Listen to me Ally please don't do this . Your beautiful okay. It pains me to see you do this because I love you so much.

I love you to Aaron

No Ally listen I LOVE you I have since we first met that day at the park was the best day of my life and-

You cut him off with a kiss.

I know and I LOVE you too dork!

Be mine?

Of course :)


Sorry it took so long

Remember guys I'm only taking request right now so kik me at cj1019



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