Short Hayes Imagine

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You and Hayes had a big fight last night. Hayes had to leave for MAGCON that night too.

Ever since that fight, Hayes has been really distant.

Hayes P.O.V

I was really upset, so I went for a walk.

An hour later Nash came to the lake.

"Man, what up? You have been really distant today."

"Nothing. It doesn't matter."

"Don't lie to me man. I've know you your whole life, what's wrong?"

"Last night y/n saw a picture of a fan and I. It was the one where that fan asked for kiss so when I went to kiss her on the cheek she turned her head. Anyways, y/n got upset and started yelling and then I started yelling and she said she never wanted to see me again." I said crying.

"Dude have you even tried to call her?"

"I have been trying all day. She won't answer. It's hopeless I really messed up man."

"Here I'll call her and if she answers then you can talk to her."

"Thanks Nash."

Your P.O.V

You have been in your room watching movies and crying all day. You just wished none of this would have happened.

You were in the middle of A Walk to Remember when your phone rings. Hayes again?!? You think.

You look at it and see its Nash. Should I answer? You decide to answer considering he is like your older brother.


"Omg y/n I'm soo sorry! Please just listen to me babe."

You knew you shouldn't have answered.

"Hayes there's nothing to explain. Maybe we just aren't meant to be. Everything happens for a reason."

No y/n please don't say that. I messed up okay and I'm sorry. The girl asked for a kiss so when I went to kiss her on the cheek she turned her head. Please y/n believe me."

"Okay. I believe you I- I'm sorry I overreacted I just get so worried."

"Worried about what?"

"That you'll leave me for someone better."

"There is no one better. I love you and only you."

"I love you too Hayes."

I'm sorry these have been really short guys. But they'll get longer I promise I just need ideas. Remember

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