Matt imagine for HAJAR67

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I am beyond mad! i can't believe Matt would do something like this! I dont even want to face him but I know I have to. Wait sorry, let me explain...


I was at home on Twitter when I saw a fan sent me a link for a photo, I was curious as to what it was so i clicked on it and it opens to reveal Matt kissing another girl!

_____________________End of flashback__________________________

Now I know she was just a fan but still he shouldnt have kissed her on the lips. If he would have told me as soon as it happened I wouldn't be that mad but he never told me about it, and when I asked him if anything happended and if he needed to tell me something he said no. NO! Ugh im so mad I dont ever want to see him again! But I know I need to at least go end it with him in person. I mind as well get it over with now.

So i'm on my way to Matt's and honestly I dont know what i'm going to say to him. 

----------------------------------------------------------At Matt's------------------------------------------------------------

What do you mean your breaking up with me! What did I do wrong?

You know what you did Matt! You kissed another girl and then lied about it.

I never kissed another girl! Your the only girl I ever want to kiss.

Look Matt, I saw the pictures of you and that fan kissing. I know she's just a fan but fan or not a fan you didn't have to kiss her on the lips. It hurts me to see that Matt because even if you do or don't have feelings for her, you still kissed her and never told me..

Oh my gosh that! Y/n it was a stage kiss.

A what?!? 

A stage kiss. This fan asked if i could give her a stage kiss and I said yes. I didn't really kiss her lips. And im so sorry I didn t tell you I just thought, I don't know what I thought but I'm soooo sorry y/n

No Matt dont be sorry, I'm the one who assumed things and over-reacted. I should have just trusted you and talked to you about it. Can you ever forgive me?

What? Of course I forgive you! I love you to much to let this little thing tear us apart. I love you y/n.

I love you to Matt :)

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