Aaron Imagine for Lexi

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Your P.O.V

I was done! Done with the bullying, with the abuse from your parents, and most importantly the hate.

I was dating Aaron Carpenter so you can guess I get a lot of hate. But it's really bad for me. None of the boys or their girlfriends get this much hate!

I was sitting at home in my room crying. No bawling my eyes out. I just couldn't take it anymore.

I slowing lift up my left sleeve and look at the faded scars.

Yes I used to cut but i stopped when I met Aaron. Something about him gave me comfort. I felt safe with him.

But now he's gone. Away at MAGCON. I just miss him so much! I slowly get out of bed and walk to my bathroom.

I get out my old razor and see the blood stains. Aaron never knew I did this. I never found a reason to tell him.

I take apart the blade and slowly begin to cut. One slit, two slits, three slits I continue but by the time I'm on my fifth slit my bathroom door opens and I see Aaron there, tears in his eyes.

"Lexi, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry Aaron. I just couldn't take the hate, the bullying, my parents! It's all to much for me!!"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I thought you would leave me.."

"Lexi listen to me. I love you okay? I would never leave you. No matter what I will always be here for you." He says both of you now crying.

"I love you Aaron."

"I love you to Lexi. And please never EVER do this again okay? Promise me you will always come and talk to me okay?"

"I promise."

And you never cut again just like you promised and Aaron never left your side like he promised.


Sorry if it stinks. But remember


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