Matt imagine for @Love_matthew

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Matt's P.O.V

I miss her so much man said Matt.

Nash was sitting next to him on the bed trying to get Matt to stop crying.

I know you do man but it was your fault for breaking up with her. That was a dumb idea. Nash said trying to get Matt to laugh. It didn't work.

Don't you think I know that! Matt yelled.

Nash just gave him a shrug before saying

I just don't understand. if you miss her so much you then why haven't you got off your butt and ran to her house to apologize?

Matt suddenly got up and ran to your house. With Nash trailing behind.

Your P.O.V

You were in your room watching Dirty Dancing with Mahogany crying your eyes out when you heard a noise outside on your balcony.

You slowing got up to see what it was. You opened the door to a crying Matt.

Listen y/n I love you so much! more than you will ever know. And I know it was a stupid idea to break things off with you because I know now how much I need you y/n and if you still love me than I ask that you try to forgive me because if you don't I seriously will die because your what keeps me going. I love you y/n

I love you too Matt. You say giving him and huge hug and a passionate kiss.

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