Jack Gilinsky

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Today is the day, I am finally going to Magcon to meet my idols! I'm so excited I didn't sleep at all last night.

When we got to the venue on Friday I went straight to the Jacks meet and greet line. After about 15 minutes it was my turn to meet the Jacks! I went to Jack Johnson first, "Hey beautiful what's your name?" "Y/N." I said smiling. I gave him another hug and when I looked over I saw Jack G staring at me, I just blushed and took a picture with Johnson.

After I took my picture with Johnson, I went to Jack Gilinsky. "Hello gorgeous. How are you?" "I'm amazing how are you?" "I'm perfect now." He said smiling at me. After we took our picture he handed me a piece of paper. "We should hang later." I couldn't stop smiling as I walked away. This feels like a dream, oh gosh I hope I'm not dreaming! When I looked back he was already looking at me.

For the rest of the day I met the other boys and than went back to my hotel to get ready for the party tonight. When I was ready, I was heading to the venue when I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry that was my fault." "No no it was all on me I'm sorry." he said as he helped me up I noticed it was Jack Gilinsky. "Oh it's you again." he said smiling. "Yeah haha, hi again" "You know I've been waiting for you to text me" "Oh right I'm sorry I didn't know if you were serious." "Of course I was! You heading to the party?" "Yeah." "Let me escort you in than." "Okay." I said smiling.

We danced together all night and when the night was over I went back to my hotel and we texted all night. From sunrise to sundown I spent my time texting Jack and even hanging out with him and the rest of the boys. When Magcon was over the boys stayed an extra day and I gave them a tour of the city. It was amazing until he had to leave..

"This has been the best weekend ever, thank you." I said as we approached our goodbyes. "Same here. I had an amazing time with you, I don't wanna leave." "I don't want you to go either but It's your job. Millions of girls want to meet you and experience what I got to experience." "What we did this weekend was true. I don't hangout with a new fan everywhere I go. I spent time with you because you are a fun and beautiful girl and I enjoyed being around you." "I know, and I loved being with you. But you better go before you miss the plane." I said embracing him in a big hug.

"Until next time y/l/n." "Until next time Gilinsky."



Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine and make sure you vote for it and check out my other book Imagines 2.0

I Love You, Peace, and Stay Gucci

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