Chapter 20

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  When the two Qidong brothers saw Jing Xing buying this, they thought about it and Qinan asked the landlady: "How much does this cost?"

  Boss lady: "Twenty cents per box. If we go together, it's fifteen cents per box."

  Although it was a bit expensive, Qidong and the others had the money, so they nodded and asked for a box. Qinan went over and smelled it like Jing Xing, and said to the proprietress: "Take a box of peach blossoms. Mom likes peach blossoms."

  The proprietress sold two boxes at once. Although each box was fifteen cents, she still made money and asked them to come back next time.

  After that, the three of them walked around again, bought some miscellaneous goods, and then went back to work.

  Min's mother felt mixed emotions when she received the hand balm from Jing Xing. Thinking of the past days, she said with red eyes: "A few days ago, I said I wanted to expand the house, but now I am spending money randomly."

  Jing Xing said: "It's not expensive."

  Min's mother opened the box and took a little dip with her finger, then spread it carefully on the back of her hand. She leaned closer and smelled it, "This smells quite good."

  "Just do it if you like. Apply it to your hands morning and night. Your hands won't be cracked and uncomfortable when they get cold." Jing Xing put away the dishes and got up and went to the back kitchen to wash the dishes.

  Early the next morning, Mrs. Qi came to see Min's mother, "Sister Min, I heard from my sons yesterday that little Min Luo bought you some balm to protect your hands."

  Min's mother was in a good mood, "I also heard from my children that the Qidong brothers also bought you a box."

  Mrs. Qi: "This time it's because of you. If Min Luo hadn't bought this these two times, they would never have thought of buying these for me."

  Min's mother didn't know this, and she didn't expect that her son bought it first, so she couldn't stop smiling.

Chapter 15

  It's a good thing that the two children bought something for their mother-in-law. Moreover, this hand balm has its own fragrance. People will ask about it wherever they go. The two parents also share it with everyone they see. Mrs. Qi not only praises herself The children at home also praised Jing Xing, and suddenly everyone in the village knew about it.

  Is there any mother-in-law who doesn't feel sad? They also raise and teach their children, but after so many years of hard work, their children have never bought them anything decent. When they get married, they will use all the money they have given them over the years. .

  After all, this matter still has an impact. Some children even went to the town to ask about it. Twenty coins for a small box! These are the three prodigal sons of the Qi family and the Min family! !

  Those whose families were poor did not dare to talk about it after hearing this price, but they became even more envious.

  Those who say grapes are sour when they can't eat them say that these three prodigal sons have not made much money yet, but they have to spend money like water. How can they live in the future?

  Many people said this, and Jing Xing got the title of "prodigal son" again.

  They also bought a hand ointment, but they didn't know that Jing Xing later bought face protection on his own, which cost fifty cents a box, and a silver hairpin and a silver bracelet, which cost one or two fifty cents.

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