Chapter 21

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Which mother doesn't want others to praise her children? The landlady laughed at them and complimented each other a few times. Both parties deliberately tried to get close to each other and started shouting "sister, sister" every time they went back and forth.

  The proprietress also showed her sincerity, "From now on, whenever good sisters come to buy, I will always offer the lowest price."

  Min's mother and Mrs. Qi nodded in agreement, chatting and laughing for a while.

  When the two brothers from the Qi family and Jing Xing heard the landlady starting to praise them, they walked towards the knife and iron farm tools store in front.

  They knew they wouldn't be able to leave for a while, so they started shopping in this farm tools store.

  Qidong and Qinan knew more about these things than the boss. They walked around and took a look. The farm tool boss saw three young men coming and said hello casually. He could tell that they just came in casually to take a look.

  Jing Xing followed them for a while and then heard Qidong asking Qinan to call Qi Hanzi in to see if the farm tools at home needed to be replaced.

  After Qi Hanzi came in, the boss saw them looking at the rake and walked towards them to greet them.

  Qi Hanzi took a fancy to an iron rake and asked the boss directly for the price. When the boss told him the price, Qi Hanzi put down the rake and said, "So expensive?! Forget it, let's find the blacksmith in the village to make it." A good one."

  Seeing that they were about to leave, the boss quickly asked: "Brother, how much do you want, the price is negotiable!"

  Qi Hanzi thought for a while and said: "Twenty, the blacksmith in the village only has fifteen cents, but it takes a long time to make it."

  The boss gritted his teeth and said, "This is a half discount. Although he also made a profit, he didn't make much!"

  "Okay, okay! Take it, take it!"

  Qinan came out carrying the rake. After that, the men visited a shop and saw Mrs. Qi and Min's mother coming out.

  Everyone bought some more food, including rice and noodles, and the baskets carried by Jing Xing and Qidong were full.

  When we returned to the village, there were several women washing clothes by the river who saw the two families returning.

  Ji Fu and Brother Wang heard that the Qi family and the Min family were visiting the town together. They had just returned from picking up mushrooms in the mountains.

  They both look good and have good tempers. Many boys and girls in the village are willing to take them to play together. This morning, the girls and boys took advantage of the continuous rain in the past few days to finally stop, and everyone made an appointment to go up the mountain together. Pick mushrooms.

  At this moment, Ji Fu and Brother Wang came back carrying a basket full of mushrooms.

  The Ji family was not far from the Qi family and the Min family. When Ji Amu saw so many mushrooms, he asked Ji Fu to put a basket in each and send them to both families.

  When Ji Fu came over with two baskets of mushrooms, he saw Jing Xing squatting by the well to kill rabbits.

  Both families had arranged their things at home. Since the Min family wanted to kill a hare, they asked the Qi family to come over and eat the hare meat together since they didn't have to cook at night.

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