PART. 02

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Jung Hoseok's POV:

I was on my way to pick up Y/n, a rare request from her lately. Determined to make it special, I made a quick stop at a pastry shop to grab some of her favorite treats.

 Determined to make it special, I made a quick stop at a pastry shop to grab some of her favorite treats

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With the delicious pastries safely stowed in the back seat, I continued on to the school

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With the delicious pastries safely stowed in the back seat, I continued on to the school.

Time skipped as I waited for Y/n, wondering if I had arrived too early. Eventually, I spotted her approaching with someone else. It seemed to be her friend, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of them.

As Y/n opened the door, I turned to greet her, but my words caught in my throat as I caught sight of the person standing beside her. It was a moment of shock that left both of us speechless.

Y/n: "Hello!"

The sound of her voice snapped us out of our daze, the rush of embarrassment washing over us as we exchanged awkward glances.

Jisoo's glare towards Y/n went unnoticed by her, adding another layer of tension to the already awkward

Y/n took a deep breath, trying to dispel the lingering tension in the car as they embarked on their journey home. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over them like a heavy blanket, suffocating any attempt at conversation.

As the car rumbled along the familiar streets, Y/n stole glances at her brother and Jisoo, who sat awkwardly beside each other. It was strange seeing them together after so long, and she couldn't help but feel responsible for the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Oppa, this is Jisoo. Do you remember?" Y/n finally broke the silence, her voice tentative.

Hoseok's eyes widened in surprise before recognition flickered across his features. "Really? Oh, how are you?" he replied, his voice tinged with awkwardness.

Jisoo's cheeks flushed pink at the attention, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm good, hehe," she responded softly.

Despite Y/n's efforts to lighten the mood, an awkward silence descended once again, casting a shadow over the car ride. Sensing the palpable discomfort, Y/n racked her brain for a way to break the ice.

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