PART. 20

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"Enjoy 😉, darling readers! And don't you dare forget to vote, comment, and shower me with love 😊, or else... 😄 you'll face the wrath of your mother, armed with a hug and a pinch on the cheek! 🙂🙂"



After YN's mom finished cleaning her wounds, they sat down for a moment to chat. Just then, her mom's phone rang-it was YN's dad.

Her Dad's voice rang with a playful tone as he said, "Hey love, hate to be a bother, but it seems I left my work file at home. Think you could do me a solid and bring it to the office?"

Her Mom, with a playful smirk, replied, "Oh, the absent-minded CEO strikes again! Alright, I'll add it to my CEO-wife duties."

Dad laughed, "Thanks, honey. You're my hero!"

Mom quipped back, "CEO-wife to the rescue! Just don't forget to treat me to dinner tonight."

With that, the call ended, and her mom turned to YN, saying, "Looks like I've got a quick errand to run. I'll be back in a jiffy."

Everything seemed alright as YN thought Hoseok was home, and her mom had left for the company.As YN began her search around the house for Hoseok, she muttered to herself, "Where could he be? Maybe he's in his room or out in the backyard."

Growing more concerned, she continued, "I really need to talk to him. Something feels off."

With a sense of urgency, she reached for her phone and dialed Hoseok's number. Just as she was about to hit the call button, a deafening thunderclap echoed outside, causing YN to let out a frightened scream.

The lights flickered, and the room was engulfed in darkness. YN's heart raced, and she fumbled for her phone's flashlight.

In the dim light, a sudden realization struck her, and she whispered to herself, "Wait, where's Oppa? He's not answering his phone, and he's not home. What's going On?"

In a fast-paced frenzy, YN dashed towards her room, locking the door behind her with trembling hands. She tried multiple times to call Hoseok, but he didn't answer. Feeling a sense of unease creeping over her, she made her way to her bed, her heart pounding in her chest.

Just as she was about to lay down, she felt someone's presence behind her. Before she could react, strong arms wrapped around her in a tight embrace, sending shivers down her spine.

In surprise, YN screamed her lungs out. The person behind her chuckled softly, his warm breath tickling her ear as he leaned in close.

"Shh, love," he whispered, his voice soothing yet filled with an unsettling tone. "There's no use screaming. We're alone now, and no one will disturb us."

His grip tightened around YN's waist, pulling her closer, as he buried his face in her neck. A shiver ran down YN's spine as she felt his warm breath against her skin, sending a wave of fear and confusion washing over her.

As YN struggled against the man's grip, her attempts proving futile, she desperately dialed Hoseok's number. With each unanswered call, her heart pounded with growing fear. The man's sinister laughter echoed in the darkness, sending chills down her spine as he leaned in close, his breath cold against her ear.

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