PART. 32

28 16 2

Ahem!😊 so enjoy but 🙂 do comment okay? ☺️

Jungkook's brow furrowed as he surveyed the room, his mind racing with possibilities. "We need to think," he said firmly, his voice a beacon of determination amid the chaos. "There has to be a clue, something we've missed."

Jisoo nodded, her expression mirroring his seriousness. "Let's split up and search," she suggested, her voice tinged with urgency. "We need to leave no stone unturned."

As they fanned out across Yn's room, each member of the group scanning every nook and cranny for any sign of their missing friend, tension hung heavy in the air.

Jennie, eager to contribute to the search, headed towards the bathroom. With each step, she hoped to uncover some shred of evidence that could lead them closer to Yn's whereabouts. But as she entered, her foot connected with something sharp on the floor, eliciting a sharp hiss of pain.

Curious, Jennie bent down to inspect the object, her heart pounding in her chest. When she realized what it was, her breath caught in her throat.

"The pendant!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with excitement and disbelief. "I found it!"

Hoseok's eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight of the pendant in Jennie's hand. His hands shook with a mixture of fear and anger as he struggled to comprehend what he was seeing. "How?" he demanded, his voice laced with a desperation born of frustration and confusion.

Jisoo's voice quivered with uncertainty as she spoke, her words punctuated by hesitant pauses. "Th-the pendant," she began, her voice wavering with each syllable, "it w-was b-buried at the Jungang bus stop. Yn found it th-there." She gulped nervously, her eyes darting between Hoseok and the pendant clutched tightly in Jennie's hand.

But before she could continue, Hoseok's patience snapped like a taut wire. "SAY IT PROPERLY!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls of the room, causing everyone to startle in alarm at the sudden outburst.

Hoseok's voice resonated through the room, a low and ominous rumble that sent shivers down everyone's spines. His eyes bore into Jennie, demanding answers with a quiet intensity that brooked no argument.

"Tell me everything," he commanded, his tone laced with urgency. "We need to know exactly what happened."

Jennie took a deep breath, steeling herself as she began to recount the events of the previous day. "We were at the shopping mall," she started, her voice steady despite the lingering unease in the air. "Everything seemed fine until we tried to leave."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their shared experience. "That's when things started to go wrong," she continued, her gaze flickering to the others for confirmation. "We found ourselves trapped in some kind of loop, unable to escape no matter what we tried."

Jennie's hands trembled slightly as she recalled the sense of desperation that had gripped them all. "We knew we had to find a way out," she said, her voice tinged with urgency. "That's when we remembered the pendant Yn had seen in her dream."

With each word, Jennie's narrative grew more animated, her gestures mirroring the frantic pace of their escape. "We dug up the spot where Yn had seen the pendant," she explained, her voice rising with excitement. "And when she retrieved it, things got... strange."

Hoseok's brow furrowed in concern as he listened to Jennie's account. "What do you mean, 'strange'?" he pressed, his voice tight with apprehension.

Jennie's eyes widened as she recounted the bizarre events that followed. "The pendant began to glow with this eerie red light," she said, her voice filled with wonder and trepidation. "And then Yn... Yn started to glow too, like she was engulfed in some kind of otherworldly aura."

The room fell silent as Jennie described the moment when darkness had consumed them all. "And then the smoke," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. "The pendant released this... this black smoke, and when it cleared, the pendant was just like it is now."

As Jennie finished her account, the weight of their shared experience seemed to hang heavy in the air. They were no closer to understanding the true nature of the pendant or the forces at play, and with Yn's disappearance, the stakes had never been higher.

Hoseok's hands trembled slightly as he reached out to accept the pendant from Jisoo's outstretched hand. His fingers closed around the cool metal, and for a moment, he simply held it, his gaze fixed on the intricate design.

Then, with a heavy sigh, he sank into the nearest chair, exhaustion etched into every line of his face. Running a hand through his hair in frustration, he closed his eyes briefly, as if seeking solace in the darkness behind his lids.

"Where are you, Yn?" he muttered, his voice thick with emotion. "Where could you possibly have gone?"

His words hung in the air, unanswered and fraught with uncertainty. Hoseok's heart hammered in his chest, a relentless rhythm of fear and desperation that threatened to consume him whole. But he refused to give in to despair, clinging to the slimmest thread of hope that he would find Yn safe and sound.

Jungkook's hand landed gently on Hoseok's shoulder, a gesture of both reassurance and urgency. "Hyung," he said respectfully, using the Korean term for 'older brother,' "do you know of any location that might be connected to this pendant?" his voice laced with determination.

Hoseok's brow furrowed in deep thought, his mind racing as he sifted through memories in search of any clue that might lead them closer to Yn. Then, like a bolt of lightning, realization dawned on him, and he nodded slowly. "There's a place," he confirmed, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "It's... it's where Yn and I used to go when we were kids."

Without another word, Jungkook sprang into action, his decisive demeanor leaving no room for hesitation. "Let's go," he urged, already striding towards the door. "Every second counts."

Hoseok followed suit, his heart pounding with a mixture of anxiety and determination. As they reached the car, he paused, casting a wary glance back at Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé. "It might be dangerous," he warned, his tone grave. "I can't guarantee your safety."

But Rosé's eyes flashed with determination, her resolve unshakeable. "We're not staying behind," she declared, her voice firm. "We're in this together."

Jennie and Jisoo nodded in silent agreement, their expressions mirroring Rosé's determination. With a sigh of resignation, Hoseok relented, realizing that their unwavering loyalty could not be swayed. "Fine," he conceded, his voice tinged with both gratitude and concern. "But stay close, and listen to me. We don't know what we're up against."

And with that, they piled into the car, the engine roaring to life as they embarked on their perilous journey in search of answers.


That's for today hope y'all enjoyed ☺️
And again please comment because it's a encouragement to me 😊

Stay healthy and happy 😊
Bye bye 👋 😘

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