PART. 45

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Final chapter 🤧🤧

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As the laughter died down, Yn's thoughts turned to their missing friend. "Wait, where's Jisoo?" she asked, scanning the room for any sign of her.

Rosé and Jennie exchanged hesitant glances, their smiles fading. Yn's curiosity piqued even more at their reaction.

Finally, Rosé spoke up, her voice somber. "Jisoo isn't here today because... well, today is her grandma's surgery."

Yn's heart sank as the gravity of the situation hit her. She felt a pang of guilt for not remembering her friend's hardships. "Oh my God, I completely forgot," she gasped, feeling terrible.

Jennie placed a comforting hand on Yn's shoulder. "It's okay, Yn. We all get caught up in our own problems sometimes," she said gently.

Yn shook her head, her expression filled with remorse. "No, it's not okay. Jisoo's been there for me countless times, and I couldn't even remember something as important as this."

Rosé squeezed Yn's hand, offering her support. "We'll make it up to her, Yn. We'll visit her grandma in the hospital and show her our support."

Yn nodded, feeling grateful for her friends' understanding. "Yeah, you're right. We need to be there for Jisoo and her family," she said, determination shining in her eyes.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Yn made a mental note to reach out to Jisoo as soon as possible. No matter what challenges they faced, they would always stand by each other's side.

After their conversation, the girls decided to stay by Jisoo's side that night. Yn approached her mother and asked for permission.

"Mom, can I stay with Jisoo at the hospital tonight? Her grandma's having surgery, and I want to be there for her," Yn asked, her voice earnest.

Her mother, understanding the importance of friendship and support, nodded. "Of course, Yn. Just make sure to keep me updated."

Yn smiled in relief. "Thank you, Mom."

Rosé and Jennie also got permission from their guardians, who were equally understanding. As they prepared to leave, Hoseok entered through the main door, looking exhausted from his long day.

"Oppa!" Yn called out, running to him.

Hoseok's tiredness seemed to evaporate as he saw the urgency on Yn's face. "What's wrong? Who's in the hospital? Did something happen?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Yn quickly explained the situation. "Jisoo's grandma is having surgery today. We want to go to the hospital to be with her."

Hoseok nodded, his worry easing but his determination clear. "Alright, let's go. I'll drive you all there."

As they piled into the car, Yn, Rosé, and Jennie thanked Hoseok for his quick response. The drive to the hospital was filled with a mixture of concern for Jisoo and gratitude for being able to support her.

In the car, Yn explained more about Jisoo's situation to Hoseok. "Jisoo's been really worried about her grandma. She's been such a rock for us, and we need to be there for her now."

Hoseok nodded, his eyes focused on the road. "I'm glad you're being there for your friend. Family and friends are everything."

Upon reaching the hospital, Hoseok dropped them off at the entrance. "Call me if you need anything, alright?" he said, his protective nature evident.

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