PART. 24

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As Yn gradually regained her composure, she took a deep breath and began to explain. She told Jisoo and Rosé about her unique heritage as the child of light, the strange occurrences that had been happening to her, and the escalating situation with the stalker. Jisoo and Rosé listened intently, their expressions shifting from confusion to concern as they processed the gravity of Yn's situation.

Jisoo's brow furrowed in thought as she absorbed the information. "I had a feeling something was off," she murmured, her voice filled with empathy. "But I had no idea it was this serious."

Rosé's eyes widened in realization as she reached out to squeeze Yn's hand in support. "Yn, I had no idea you were going through all of this alone," she said, her voice laced with sympathy. "I wish you had told us sooner."

Yn nodded, grateful for her friends' understanding and compassion. "I didn't want to burden you both with my problems," she admitted, her voice tinged with regret. "But I couldn't keep it to myself any longer."

Jisoo and Rosé exchanged a knowing glance, their determination shining through. "Yn, you're not alone in this," Jisoo reassured her, her tone firm yet gentle. "We're here for you, no matter what."

Rosé nodded in agreement, her expression filled with unwavering support. "We'll face this together, as a team," she declared, her voice echoing with determination.

With her friends by her side, Yn felt a sense of relief wash over her. Though the challenges ahead seemed daunting, she knew that she didn't have to face them alone.

As the conversation deepened and time seemed to slip away unnoticed, they realized that the entire day had passed in their discussion. They had inadvertently skipped their classes, lost in the gravity of Yn's revelations and the comfort of their friendship.

With a shared chuckle, Rosé remarked on the absurdity of their situation. "Well, looks like we've officially become professional class bunkers," she quipped, her tone lightening the mood.

Jisoo laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Who knew uncovering ancient mysteries and facing supernatural threats could be so time-consuming?" she joked, her eyes sparkling with humor.

Yn couldn't help but smile at her friends' lighthearted banter, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders in their company. "I guess we'll have some explaining to do to our teachers," she said, her voice tinged with amusement. "But it was worth it."

With their laughter ringing in the air, they made their way out of the school, ready to face whatever challenges the future held-both mundane and supernatural-with the strength of their friendship to guide them.

As they made their way toward the school's exit, Jisoo nudged Yn playfully and quipped, "Hey, Yn, looks like your secret admirer is waiting for you."

Yn's cheeks flushed at Jisoo's teasing, and she followed her friend's gaze to spot Jungkook nearby. Their eyes met briefly, and Yn sensed there was something Jungkook wanted to discuss.

"Oh, really? Well, I better go see what he wants then. Ill be back soon!" Yn replied with a nervous chuckle, already feeling her heart race with anticipation.

With a quick excuse, Yn made her way over to Jungkook, her mind racing with curiosity about what he wanted to talk about.

Yn greeted Jungkook with a warm smile as they met near the school entrance. "Hey, Jungkook."

"Hey, Yn," Jungkook replied, his voice slightly shaky as he gathered his thoughts. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to share something with her. "I... I wanted to talk to you about something."

Curious, Yn leaned in slightly, prompting Jungkook to continue. "I... I bought a gym."

Yn's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You bought a gym?"

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