PART. 26

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Yn quietly rose from her bed and made her way to the bathroom, craving the solace of a long, hot shower. Yn sighed as the warm water enveloped her, providing a brief respite from the tumult of her thoughts. "Okay, Yn, let's figure this out," she murmured to herself, her voice barely audible over the sound of the running water. "The bus stop...the pendant...that strange man in my dream. There has to be a connection."

As she lathered shampoo into her hair, she continued her internal monologue. "But what does it all mean? Why am I having these dreams? And why do they feel so...real?" Her brow furrowed in frustration as she attempted to piece together the fragments of her subconscious.

Rinsing off the suds, Yn leaned back against the bathtub, letting the water wash away the last traces of uncertainty. "I need to talk to Oppa about this. He'll know what to do. He always does." Determination flickered in her eyes as she resolved to seek her brother's guidance.

Finally stepping out of the shower, Yn wrapped herself in a fluffy towel and gazed at her reflection in the steam-covered mirror. "Okay, Yn, you've got this," she whispered, offering herself a small, reassuring smile. With her mind set on finding answers, she quickly dressed and prepared to face the day ahead.

As YN glanced at the clock, she noted with a sense of relief that she had plenty of time before her obligations beckoned. With a determined resolve, she set about the task of cleaning her bedroom, moving swiftly and silently so as not to disturb the peaceful slumber of her friends.

Once the tidying was complete, YN retrieved her laptop and settled into her makeshift workspace, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she delved into her research. With a few deft keystrokes, she pulled up information on the Jungang bus stop, her eyes scanning the screen for any relevant details.

It was then that she stumbled upon a photograph that sent a shiver down her spine, a chill of recognition tingling at the back of her mind. The image mirrored the scene from her unsettling dreams, the worn-out bench and dilapidated surroundings captured in haunting detail.

As YN scrutinized the webpage further, her breath caught in her throat when she noticed the year: 1997, the year of her birth. A cold realization washed over her, sending a shiver down her spine as she contemplated the eerie connection between her present reality and the vivid echoes of the past.

YN burst into Hoseok's bedroom, her urgency palpable as she shook him awake. "OPPA, wake up!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with urgency.

Rubbing his eyes, Hoseok sat up, clearly annoyed at being roused from his sleep. "YN, it's not even fully morning yet. What's the rush?" he grumbled, trying to stifle a yawn.

But YN wasn't deterred by his grogginess. Ignoring his complaints, she launched into an animated description of her dream, her words pouring out in a rush. "I had the strangest dream, Oppa. I found myself at the bus stop near our school, but it looked different somehow. And there was this man, and he seemed so angry. And then there was this pendant-I've never seen it before, but it felt familiar somehow," she explained, her eyes wide with excitement and apprehension.

Hoseok listened intently, his own drowsiness dissipating as he became more alert. "Wait, slow down. Tell me everything," he urged, his voice serious now.

As YN recounted the details of her dream, Hoseok's expression grew increasingly grave. When she finally showed him the picture on her laptop, his eyes narrowed in concern. "That's... unsettling," he remarked, his tone grave. "Do you think it means something?"

YN nodded, her own anxiety mounting. "I don't know, but it felt so real. And when I saw the year on the picture-1997, the year I was born-it sent shivers down my spine," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly.

Hoseok placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure it out, YN. But for now, let's focus on finding out more about this bus stop and that pendant," he said reassuringly, his determination evident in his voice.

Hoseok's curiosity burned within him as he pressed YN for more details about the pendant.

"Can you describe it? I mean the pendant" he inquired, his voice laced with urgency.

"It had a moon-like frame with a magical, bright gem at its center," YN replied, her tone tinged with unease.

As her words sank in, Hoseok's expression twisted into one of fear.

"The man mumbled something and cut himself, pouring his blood on the pendant," YN continued, her voice trembling slightly. "And then it changed color into crimson red."

Hoseok's hands clenched into fists at his sides, his mind reeling with horror.

"Thank you," he managed to say, his voice strained. "I think I need some time to process this."

Without further details, Hoseok ushered YN out, his mind consumed with dark thoughts. Once alone, his composure shattered, and he paced the room, his heart pounding with a mixture of anger and despair.

"If it's what I'm thinking," he seethed, his voice barely a whisper, "I swear on my life, I won't let you rest in peace, you MOTHERFUCKER!"

Another short chapter guys 🥲
Make sure to vote and comment for the next chapter.
I'll try to post it today 🙂 if it's possible.
If not then see you again Tomorrow 😊🫡

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