PART. 18

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Enjoy 😊

As Hoseok carried YN on his back, her mother's heart raced with worry as she rushed towards them, her face a blend of concern and relief. "YN! What happened? Are you hurt? Hoseok, is she okay?"

Hoseok gently lowered YN to the sofa, his eyes meeting his mother's with understanding. "Mom, YN had a bit of a scare. She tripped and fell while when she was on the way home, but she's alright now. She called me to come pick her up."

YN's mother's worry deepened as she inspected her daughter for any signs of injury. "Tripped and fell? YN, sweetheart, why didn't you call us? Are you sure you're alright?"

Feeling a pang of guilt, YN nodded, trying to reassure her mother. "I'm okay, Mom. Just a little shaken. I... I saw something strange at the bus stop."

Her mom's brow furrowed in concern. "Strange? What happened, YN?"

Taking a deep breath, YN recounted her unsettling experience. "I-I felt goosebumps all over my body, and... and my dad's blue ring, the one he gave me, it suddenly turned purple. I got scared and... and when I ran, I tripped and fell."

Her mom's expression softened with understanding as she listened to her story. "That sounds scary, YN. But you're safe now."

Relieved, YN's mother let out a sigh, her worry beginning to ease. "Thank you, Hoseok. Thank you for taking care of her."

Hoseok shook his head gently, a warm smile on his lips. "There's no need to thank me, Mom. Taking care of YN is my responsibility as her older brother. I'll always be there for her."

YN's mother nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude and pride. "I know you will, Hoseok. And we're so lucky to have you."

Hoseok noticed YN lost in deep thought and sat beside her, gently shaking her shoulder. "Hey, what's on your mind?"

YN looked up at him, her expression troubled. "I can't shake off this feeling, Oppa. Why did it happen only at that bus stop? Is it a person or an object? If it were a person, wouldn't I have experienced those symptoms elsewhere too? I have this unsettling sense that it's an object cloaked in darkness."

Hoseok's concern deepened as he listened. "An object? What are you thinking?"

YN tried to explain, her voice filled with uncertainty. "I'm not entirely sure, but there was something about that place. It felt like there was a dark energy surrounding something there, something drawing me in, but in a sinister way."

Hoseok placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll get to the bottom of this, YN. We'll investigate together and make sure you're safe."

Grateful for her brother's support, YN nodded, feeling a bit lighter knowing she had someone to face this mystery.

After their conversation, Hoseok gently urged YN to retreat to her room and rest. "YN, why don't you go to your room and take it easy for a bit? I'll make sure everything's okay here."

Nodding in agreement, YN made her way to her room, sinking onto her bed with a sigh of exhaustion. She stared at the ceiling, her mind still reeling from the day's events, when she heard the door creak open.

Turning her head, she saw her mother enter, carrying the first aid kit. YN offered a weak smile as her mother approached. "Hey, Mom."

Her mother returned the smile, though her expression was tinged with concern. "Hey, sweetheart. Let's get those scrapes cleaned up, okay?"

As her mother began to tend to her wounds, YN winced slightly at the stinging sensation. Her mother's gentle touch, however, eased the discomfort. "Thanks, Mom. I'm sorry for all the trouble."

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