PART. 29

27 15 3

Enjoy reading.

As they reached the bus stop, Yn gestured towards the spot. "This is where it happened," she said, crouching down to inspect the ground. When her fingers grazed the earth, a jolt of pain surged through her ring and finger, startling her. "Whoa!" Yn winced, pulling her hand away. "It's like touching a live wire. This spot feels significant. We should start digging here," she suggested, her voice tinged with urgency.

Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé exchanged nods and began scouring the area for a suitable tool to dig with. Despite their efforts, they came up empty-handed. Observing their predicament, Yn felt a pang of guilt, blaming herself for putting her friends in danger. She fought to hold back tears, but Rosé noticed her distress and offered reassurance. "We're a team. We're in this together," she said soothingly. Yn nodded gratefully, and they dispersed, each determined to find something they could use to dig.

As they searched, Jennie glanced around nervously. "I wish we had something... anything to dig with," she muttered, frustration evident in her voice.

Jisoo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's like we're in some horror movie," she remarked, a hint of unease coloring her words.

Rosé, ever the optimist, tried to lighten the mood. "Well, at least we're all together," she said with a forced smile, though her eyes betrayed her anxiety.

Yn took a deep breath, trying to stay composed. "We'll figure something out," she said, her voice wavering slightly. "We have to."

As Yn's eyes locked onto the rod, her friends watched, curious and apprehensive. "There," she exclaimed, her voice filled with determination, "that's our ticket out of here."

Without a second thought, she seized the rod, her fingers tightening around it as she began to dig beneath the waiting seat. "Let's hurry," Jennie urged, her voice tinged with urgency, "we don't have much time."

Jisoo and Rosé joined in, their efforts synchronized as they dug deeper, each scoop of dirt bringing them closer to their goal. "I think we're getting close," Rosé remarked, a glimmer of hope in her voice.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of digging, a black steam began to rise from the ground. "Look!" Jisoo exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment. "It's working!"

With a swift motion, Yn swapped the rod for the pendant, holding it delicately in her palm. "Be careful," Jennie cautioned, reaching out instinctively. "We don't know what might happen."

But as Yn held the pendant, her body began to glow, casting a soft, ethereal light around her. "What's happening?" Rosé gasped, her voice trembling with awe.

Yn's eyes shone with determination as she held the pendant aloft. "This is it," she whispered, her voice filled with conviction. "We're finally going to break this curse."

As the pendant transformed back to its original form.

As the pendant transformed back to its original form

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Yn felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. "What's happening?" Jennie exclaimed, her voice tinged with concern.

"We did it!" Jisoo cried out, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "But why do I feel so strange?"

The ringing in their ears grew louder, drowning out all other sounds. "Hold on tight!" Rosé shouted, her voice barely audible over the noise.

With a collective gasp, they shut their eyes tightly, bracing themselves for whatever was to come. When they opened their eyes again, they found themselves back at the bus stop, covered in mud and confusion.

"What just happened?" Yn muttered, her head spinning as she tried to make sense of their surroundings.

People stared at them as if they were lost souls, their faces twisted in confusion and concern.

As they stumbled out of the bus stop, bypassing curious onlookers, they heard snippets of conversation:

"Did you see that group of kids?"

"They looked like they'd seen a ghost."

"What do you think happened to them?"

But the four friends paid no mind to the murmurs around them. They had achieved what they set out to do, and nothing else mattered in that moment.

"Are we... back?" Jennie asked, her voice trembling with disbelief.

Despite the chaos around them, a sense of victory washed over them. "We did it," Rosé whispered, her voice filled with awe. "We broke the curse."

"Let's get out of here before someone calls the authorities and take us to mental Asylum" Yn suggested, her voice urgent as she glanced around at the curious onlookers. Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting the same sense of urgency.

Yn tossed the rod into a corner, wanting to leave behind any traces of their ordeal. With determined strides, they made their way out of the bus stop and headed towards Yn's house, their hearts still racing from the adrenaline of their experience.

Well that's all for now 😊
See you guys in next chapter.

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