PART. 27

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Yn returned to her bedroom, where her friends were already up, looking as refreshed as kittens who had just taken a nap. She greeted them with a warm smile.

"Good morning, sleepyheads!" she chirped.

Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé returned her greeting with playful smiles of their own.

"Morning, Yn!" Jennie said, stifling a yawn.

"Did you sleep well?" Jisoo asked, rubbing her eyes.

Rosé nodded, her voice still groggy. "Yeah, like a baby."

Yn chuckled. "I wish I could say the same. Had the weirdest dream."

Jennie raised an eyebrow. "About what?"

Yn shrugged. "Some old bus stop near the school. Looked like it was straight out of a horror movie."

Rosé gasped dramatically. "Ooh, spooky! Maybe it's a sign we should go on an adventure today."

Jisoo laughed. "Count me out. I'll take a cozy day indoors over any haunted bus stops."

Yn grinned. "Oh, of course! Because we're all superheroes in disguise, ready to take on whatever danger comes our way. Yeah, right.Fair enough. But get this, when I looked it up, turns out it's a exactly as i saw in my dream. And look here, this picture was taken on 1997, the year I was born!"

Her friends exchanged intrigued looks.

"Coincidence?" Jennie asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Yn shrugged. "Who knows? But it definitely gave me the creeps."

Yn's curiosity piqued as she recalled sharing her experience with her brother. "When i discuss this with Oppa he looked genuinely scared, which is so unlike him. Then he just told me to leave, as if he was hiding something important from me."

Jennie's brows furrowed in concern. "That's strange. Hoseok Oppa usually keeps his cool, no matter what."

Jisoo nodded, her expression mirroring Jennie's concern. "Yeah, something definitely seems off. We should keep an eye on him."

Rosé's voice was firm as she spoke. "If Hoseok Oppa's hiding something, it might be serious. We need to find out what's going on."

Yn sighed, bringing the conversation to a close. "Alright, let's get ready and meet downstairs for breakfast," she said, assuming a maternal tone.

Jennie, always the playful one, responded with a grin, "Sounds good, momma. What's on the menu today?"

Yn chuckled. "How about some pancakes? I'll make them extra fluffy."

Jisoo nodded in approval. "Pancakes sound perfect. I'll set the table."

Rosé, ever the observer, spoke up. "Yn, you mentioned something about a strange dream earlier. Care to share?"

Yn hesitated for a moment before answering, "It was just a weird dream, nothing important."

Jennie raised an eyebrow. "Come on, spill the beans. We're all ears."

Yn relented, deciding to share a bit. "Well, it was about this old bus stop near our school. But it felt so real, like I was actually there."

Yn hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Well, in the dream, there was this man. He took out this beautiful pendant, poured his blood on it and it changed colour intobright red , and then buried it in the ground under the waiting seat."

Jennie's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's creepy. Why would someone do that?"

Yn shrugged, feeling a shiver run down her spine. "I have no idea. But it felt so real, like it actually happened."

Jisoo leaned in, intrigued. "Maybe it's a sign or something. Like a hidden treasure or a cursed artifact."

Rosé chimed in, "Or maybe it's just your imagination running wild."

Yn nodded, though she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than just a dream.

Rosé nodded in agreement. "Dreams can be symbolic. Maybe it's trying to tell you something."

Yn shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe it's just my subconscious acting up."

As they continued their conversation, Yn couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her dream than she realized.

Yn descended the stairs and found her mom in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. "Morning, Mom," she greeted, giving her a warm smile.

"Morning, sweetheart," her mom replied, returning the smile. "Did you sleep well?"

Yn nodded. "Yeah, like a log. How about you?"

Her mom chuckled. "Oh, you know, the usual. Busy morning ahead."

Yn offered to help with breakfast, and together they worked in comfortable silence, the aroma of food filling the kitchen.

As they joined Yn in the kitchen, Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé pitched in to help prepare breakfast, chatting amicably as they worked together.

Yn's gaze shifted around the breakfast table, noticing the absence of her brother and father. She turned to her mother, a crease forming between her brows.

"Mom, where's Oppa and Dad? They're not here for breakfast," she inquired, her tone tinged with concern.

"Oh, they left for work early this morning," her mother replied casually, her attention focused on pouring coffee into a mug. "You know how busy they can get."

Yn frowned, a nagging feeling tugging at her. "But it's not like them to leave without eating breakfast with us," she mused aloud, her thoughts already drifting to possible explanations.

Jennie chimed in from across the table, concern evident in her voice. "Maybe they had an urgent meeting or something."

As they gathered their bags and prepared to leave, Jennie glanced at Yn with a teasing grin. "So, are we going to have another adventure today?"

Yn shook her head, a playful smile on her lips. "No more adventures for me today, thanks. I don't want to risk being traumatized right before my date tomorrow. Maybe after that?"

Jisoo chuckled. "Fair enough. We'll keep it low-key today."

Rosé nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. Let's stick to the usual route."

With a shared sense of relief, they headed out the door, bidding Yn's mother goodbye before making their way to school. As they walked, their conversation drifted to lighter topics, and Yn felt grateful for the distraction from her troubling thoughts.
Jisoo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they're probably just caught up with work."

Rosé, ever the optimist, added, "I'm sure they'll join for dinner tonight. Let's not worry too much."

Yn nodded, though the unease in her chest lingered. She pushed aside her concerns for the moment, focusing on enjoying breakfast with her friends and family.

Hey there, fam!

Just wanted to give a huge shoutout for hitting 1k views, 390 votes and 26 followers! 🎉🥳 You all rock! Seriously, your support and enthusiasm keep me going, and I couldn't be more thankful. Let's keep this party going and keep the good vibes flowing! Thanks a million, everyone! 💫✨

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