PART. 35

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As Yn stood before the mysterious figure, the chamber seemed to pulse with anticipation, as if the very air itself awaited her next move.

The figure's voice resonated with ancient wisdom as it began its tale. "Long ago, a great darkness descended upon our world," it intoned, its voice filled with solemnity. "A darkness that threatened to consume all in its path."

Yn listened intently, her heart heavy with the weight of the revelation. "Then what happened?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The figure's gaze grew distant as it recounted the events of the past. "Two goddesses, Athena and Althea, rose to challenge the darkness," it explained, its words carrying the weight of centuries.



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"With their mighty powers, they waged a fierce battle, driving the darkness back from whence it came

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"With their mighty powers, they waged a fierce battle, driving the darkness back from whence it came."

Yn's breath caught in her throat as she pictured the epic struggle, the clash of titans against the backdrop of a world in turmoil. "But what became of the darkness?" she pressed, her voice tinged with urgency.

The figure paused, as if reliving the memories of that fateful time. "In the end, Athena and Althea managed to seal the darkness away, but at great cost," it confessed. "They knew that the darkness would not remain dormant forever, that it would seek to break free once more."

A sense of dread settled over Yn as she listened, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon her. "And then what happened?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

The figure's expression darkened as it revealed the grim truth. "In anticipation of the darkness's return, Athena and Althea chose a successor to bear their powers," it explained. "One who possessed the strength, courage, and purity of heart to wield their might."

Yn's heart raced with anticipation as she realized the significance of the figure's words. "But why choose me?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

The figure regarded her with a solemn gaze, its eyes shining with an otherworldly light. "Because you possess the extraordinary qualities needed to bear the powers of two goddesses," it declared, its voice resonating with conviction. "Because within you lies the potential to wield their powers and bring hope to our world once more."

A sense of purpose stirred within Yn as she listened, a flicker of determination igniting within her heart. "I won't let them down," she vowed, her voice filled with resolve. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect our world and defeat the darkness once and for all."

Before Yn could speak further, the figure's voice grew solemn. "But you must know," it said, its tone heavy with sorrow, "the darkness has already taken much from you."

Yn's heart skipped a beat as she awaited the figure's next words. "Your parents," the figure continued, "were among the darkness's first victims. They were taken when you were but a baby, their lives claimed by the very evil you now seek to vanquish."

Yn's heart sank at the revelation, confusion clouding her mind like a thick fog. "But... but that can't be," she stammered, her voice trembling with disbelief. "My parents are alive. Why does everyone speak as if they're gone?"

A heavy sigh escaped the figure's lips, a profound sadness etched into its features. With a gesture, it conjured forth visions from the past—a scene so achingly familiar yet shrouded in the mists of time.

Before Yn's eyes materialized a beautiful woman, cradling a newborn baby in her arms with a tenderness that transcended words. The soft strains of a lullaby filled the air, a melody of love and devotion that wrapped around them like a comforting embrace.

A man appeared, his presence strong and protective as he approached to join the tender tableau. With a gentle smile, he enveloped the woman and the baby in a warm embrace, a silent promise of unwavering love and support.

And then, a young boy bounded into view, his eyes alight with joy as he joined the embrace. "Hoseok," the man chuckled, his voice filled with affection as he addressed the boy by name.

Yn's breath caught in her throat as the truth washed over her like a tidal wave. "They... they're my parents," she whispered, tears welling in her eyes as she watched the scene unfold before her.

The figure nodded solemnly, its gaze filled with understanding. "Yes, they are your birth parents," it confirmed, its voice soft yet filled with a sense of sorrow. "But their journey was cut short by the darkness that sought to consume our world."

Tears streamed down Yn's cheeks as she struggled to comprehend the enormity of what she had lost. "What happened to them?" she choked out, her voice thick with emotion.

The figure's expression softened, a wellspring of compassion shining in its eyes. "Their fate is a tragic one," it replied, its voice heavy with sorrow. "But their sacrifice paved the way for you to inherit the powers of Athena and Althea, to carry on their legacy and bring hope to our world once more."

With a heavy heart, Yn nodded, her resolve strengthened by the weight of her newfound purpose. "I won't let their sacrifice be in vain," she vowed, her voice ringing with determination.

Tears welled up in Yn's eyes as she heard the truth spoken aloud. The pain of her loss, buried deep within her heart for so long, now surged to the surface with a force that threatened to overwhelm her.

"You must avenge their deaths," the figure urged, its voice filled with a steely resolve. "Their spirits cry out for justice, and it is your destiny to deliver it."

With a heavy heart and a newfound determination, Yn nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "I will," she vowed, her resolve hardened by the magnitude of the task ahead. "I'll make them proud."

And with that, Yn's journey truly began.

This was the tough one🫠
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